Use this subtask to view or modify labor/ subcontract routings for this MO. Enter routings information in the Maintain Routings and Release Routings screens in Costpoint Routings. This subtask will be disabled if you do not have access to Costpoint Routings.
This field displays the manufacturing order ID.
This field displays the type of the manufacturing order.
This field displays the current status of the manufacturing order.
This field displays the part ID for which the MO was created. A description of the part displays below this field.
This field displays the revision level of the part.
This field displays the MO's need date.
This field displays the MO's due date.
This field displays the warehouse in which the MO is being built.
This field displays the supervisor responsible for the MO.
This non-editable field displays routing header notes associated with the selected MO build part's routing.
This field displays the routing number of the part to be built. You can edit this field by entering the routing number or using Lookup to select one. The routing description displays in the adjacent field.
Select this checkbox to have the system hide alternate operations on the selected routing.
Select this checkbox to have the system hide all completed operations on the selected MO.
This field displays the operation sequence number of the routing step. You can edit this field if you selected the Allow Full Changes on MO Routing Lines checkbox in the Production Control Settings screen in Costpoint Production Control. Enter, or use Lookup to select, the operation sequence. This number is limited to four digits and defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function.
If you do not select the Hide Alternate Operations checkbox, this field displays an alternate operation sequence. The default is "0" for the main operation or a new line. This number is greater than zero for an alternate operation. This defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function.
This field displays the step number of the routing operation. Only routing lines with a step type of "S" (Standard) will be loaded. Routing lines with a step type of "C" (Cost Only) or "P" (Capacity Planning Only) will not be loaded when you select the Auto-Load pushbutton. You can edit this field by entering a step number or using Lookup to select one.
This field displays the labor or subcontract operation code of the operation being performed in this routing step. You can edit this field by entering an operation or using Lookup to select one. This defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function.
This field displays the operation type of the selected operation. This defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function.
This field displays the code type "L" (Labor) or "S" (Subcontract). This defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function. If the line is new, this defaults in from the screens in the Operations menu in Costpoint Routings.
This field displays the description of the operation. This defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function. If the line is new, this defaults in from the screens in the Operations menu in Costpoint Routings.
This field displays the work center at which the labor operation is being performed. This defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function. If the line is new, this defaults in from the screens in the Operations menu in Costpoint Routings. You can edit this field by entering a work center or using Lookup to select one.
This field displays the description of selected the work center.
This field displays the run type (either "V" (Variable) if run hours are calculated on a per unit basis or "F" (Fixed) if the run is not based on order size). This defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function. You can edit this field.
This field displays the number of operation hours it takes to complete one unit (if the Run Type field is "V") or the number of operation hours for the MO (if the Run Type field is "F") in this routing step. This defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function. If the line is new, this defaults in from the screens in the Operations menu in Costpoint Routings. You can edit this field.
This field displays the total run hours required to complete all units in this routing step. If the Run Type field is "V" (Variable), this is equal to the Total MO Build Qty x Unit Run Hours.
This field displays the setup time in hours required for this routing step. This defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function. If the line is new, this field displays the setup hours from the Work Center Detail subtask of the Maintain Work Centers screen in Costpoint Routings. You can edit this field.
This field displays the type of overlap for starting this operation before the previous operation finishes: "H - Hours," "N - None," "S - Setup," and "U - Units." This defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function. To edit this field, use the drop-down box to select the overlap type.
This field displays the amount in hours or units by which the start of this operation can overlap the previous one. This defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function. You can edit this field.
This field displays the process type code for this routing. If this is a new line, the code defaults in from the established Work Center or the from the screens in the Operations menu in Costpoint Routings, depending on whether your selection in the Routing Primary Default Source group box in the Routings Settings screen was "Operation" or "Work Center."
Select this checkbox if this is a QC operation that will require QC approval in Shop Floor Control. This defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function. If this is a new line, the value defaults in from the screens in the Operations menu in Costpoint Routings.
Select this checkbox if this operation requires users to record completion in Shop Floor Control. This defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function. If the line is new, this defaults in from the screens in the Operations menu in Costpoint Routings.
This field displays the date on which this routing step should be started. This defaults in the planned in-shop date (for the first line) if you use the Auto-Load function. You can edit this field.
This field displays the date on which this routing was started. This defaults to the actual in-shop date (for the first line) if you use the Auto-Load function. You can edit this field.
This field displays the date on which this routing step needs to be completed. You can edit this field.
This field displays the date on which this routing step is to be completed. This defaults to the actual need date if you use the Auto-Load function. You can edit this field.
This field displays the completion date of this routing step.
Use Lookup to view work centers that can be used in place of the designated work center. Data can only be used as a reference in this column, and cannot be saved.
This field displays free-form text notes relating to this routing step. You can edit these notes.
This is a user-defined field label set up in the Routings Settings screen in Costpoint Routings. This defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function.
This is a user-defined field label set up in the Routings Settings screen in Costpoint Routings. This defaults in from the routing if you use the Auto-Load function.
This is a user-defined field label set up in the Routings Settings screen in Costpoint Routings. This defaults in from the Routing if you use the Auto-Load function.
This column displays the total completed quantity for the particular routing operation selected on the main screen.
This column displays the total quantity accepted for the line in the MO routing line.
This column displays the total quantity rejected for the line in the MO routing line.
This column displays the total quantities in the MRB type of locations for the MO routing line.
Select this pushbutton to automatically load routings. The build part/revision and routing number in the header of this screen will determine which routing lines are loaded. Only routings of the build part will be loaded. Subassembly routings are not included, no matter how many levels of explosion are requested.
The Auto-Load function will include routing lines with a starting effective date that is earlier than or the same as the as-of date (for the MO build part) and with an ending effective date (if not blank) later than the as-of date.
If you select the Hide Alternate Operations checkbox, the Auto-Load function will import alternate routing lines (resulting in duplicate operation and step numbers). You will then have to manually delete the rows that are not desired (you cannot save routings with duplicate operation and step numbers).
If you selected the Allow Full Changes on MO Routing Lines checkbox in the Production Control Settings screen in Costpoint Production Control, you can select and load alternate work centers. You can delete routing lines only if alternates exist. You cannot add new lines.