Use this subtask to review the open, higher-level demand for the build-to part and inventory abbreviation on the selected MO. Higher-level demand consists of all open reservation, inventory sales lines, manufacturing order inventory requirements, and PO requisition reservations that call out the part and inventory abbreviation being built on the selected manufacturing order.


This non-editable field displays the MO build part ID from the main screen. The part description displays in the unlabeled field below this field.


This non-editable field displays the MO build revision of the part shown in the main screen.

Part Make/Buy

This non-editable field displays the M (Make) or B (Buy) status of the MOs part.

Inv Abbrev

This non-editable field displays the Build Inventory Abbreviation code from the selected MO on the table window in the main screen. The unnamed adjacent field displays the  Build Inventory Abbreviation Name from the table window in the main screen.


This non-editable field displays the selected MO's warehouse ID.


These three non-editable project fields display the Build Project, the Build Project Abbreviation, and the project description associated with the selected MO.

Requirements Table Window

Need Date

This field displays the date the part is needed for the order or reservation line. Demand records sort in ascending, need-based order.

Requirement Type

This field displays the type of order requirement for the assembly part demand.


This field displays the order or reservation number of the demand record.


This field displays the line number of the order or reservation referenced of the demand record.

Required Qty

This field displays the demand record's open required quantity.


This field displays the ID of the planner assigned responsibility for the demand order/reservation.

Assembly Part

For the manufacturing order demand, this field displays the ID of the assembly part of the higher-level MO.

Assy Rev

For the manufacturing order demand, this field displays the part revision number of the higher-level MO.

Assy Part Description

For the manufacturing order demand, this field displays the part description of the higher-level MO.

Inventory Abbreviation

This field displays the assembly part demand requirement's inventory abbreviation code.

Inventory Project

This field displays the inventory abbreviation's project ID corresponding to the order or reservation referenced on the row.