This subtask displays more information about the key resource, including capacity, selected on the main screen grid on the Rough-Cut Capacity Plan Inquiry.
This field displays the description of the selected row's key resource.
This field displays the key resource's unit of measure, such as hours, specified on the Key Resources screen.
This field displays the key resource's resource type code, as defined in the Resource Types screen of the MPS and Routings modules.
This field displays the description of the resource type, as defined in the Resource Types screen of the MPS and Routings modules.
This field displays free-form notes providing additional information about the key resource.
The Starting Effective Date for a key resource capacity figure indicates when a change in the key resource capacity takes effect. When determining the key resource for a given week, the Generate Rough-Cut Capacity Plan application selects the capacity row with the latest starting effective date that is less than or equal to the week's end date.
Any week prior to the earliest row's date is assumed to have a capacity of zero.
Any week with a date past the last row's starting effective date uses that row's weekly capacity.
This field displays the capacity, in the key resource's unit of measure, of the key resource during a production week. For example, the weekly capacity could be 30 hours per week.
The Costpoint tables impacted are listed in the following table:
Screens |
Tables |
Key Resource Detail |