Planned Order Spread Subtask

Use this subtask to spread the quantity on one planned order into multiple planned orders. This allows you to "smooth" customer demand peaks and valleys for production scheduling purposes.

On the MPS Settings screen, you set the Default Planned Order Spread Method option to specify whether new planned orders should be backscheduled or forward scheduled from the original planned order due date. To override the default setting, use the Spread Method option on this subtask.


This field displays the part ID for the part selected on the main screen. The part description displays in the unlabeled field.


This field displays the part revision number.


This field displays the part's default or inventory unit of measure.


This field displays "M" (Make) or "B" (Buy), depending on whether the part is typically manufactured or purchased.

Part Planning Detail

Planning Type

This field displays the planning type for this part (only parts with a planning type of MPS or MRP will be eligible to access this screen):

Order Policy

The order policy type represents the lot-sizing technique for this part, defined in the Planning Part Data screen in Product Definition. Parts with an order policy of "Order to Point" and "Reorder Point" are not eligible on this screen.

Order Period (Days)

If "Period" is displayed in the Order Policy field, this field displays the number of calendar or shop days for which MPS combines net requirements to create an order.

Min Qty

This field displays the minimum lot size for specifying that the order will always be at least equal to the specified lot size when meeting net requirements.

Mult Qty

The multiple lot size for specifying that the order is always a multiple of the specified lot size when meeting net requirements. For instance, a Multiple Quantity of 200 means that quantities of 200, 400, etc. are eligible to be ordered on an order.

Max Qty

This field displays the maximum quantity that can be placed in any one order. If the order quantity is greater than the maximum quantity, it will be split into several orders, each not exceeding the maximum quantity.

Planned Order Qty

This field displays the current quantity for the planned order to be spread.

Due Date

This field displays the current date on which the planned order is needed.

Planned Order Spread

Spread Method

Select whether planned orders should be spread back from the last due date or forward from the initial due date. The default value defaults from MPS Settings:

Spread Time Increments

Select whether the new planned orders should be spread in "Daily," "Weekly," or "Monthly" increments. This setting defaults from MPS Settings.

Number of Planned Orders

Enter the number of planned orders to create from the original that you are spreading. Costpoint automatically calculates the number in this field if the Planned Order Qty is entered, and rounds the number up to the next whole number. For example, if the original planned order quantity was for 100 and you enter a planned order quantity of 8, Costpoint sets the number of planned orders to 13 (including the original planned order which will have its order quantity reduced from 100 to 8).

Initial Order Due Date

Enter the initial planned order due date to create.

Planned Order Qty

Enter the order quantity to be assigned to each newly created planned order. This field is automatically calculated if you enter a number in the Number of Planned Orders field, and is rounded up to the next whole number. For example, if the original planned order quantity was for 20, and you enter 6 for the number of planned orders, Costpoint sets the planned order quantity to 4.

Initial Order Due Date

Enter the initial planned order due date to create.

Last Order Due Date

Enter the last planned order due date to create.

Click OK to generate the additional planned orders based on the parameters you entered on this screen.


The Costpoint tables impacted are listed in the following table:



Planned Orders