Load Forecasts Subtask

Use this subtask to create multiple forecast quantities records across a range of dates for the specified part.  You can overwrite existing forecasts that are no longer accurate, or load brand new forecasts for a designated period. You can also use this subtask to close or update open, past-due, forecast requirements.

When you execute the Load MPS function, the application creates new forecast rows and/or overwrites existing rows.  The forecast quantities are visible in the main screen grid and are available for viewing and updating in the Forecasts subtask.


This field displays the part ID. The part description displays in the unlabeled field below this one.


This field displays the part revision number.

MPS Plan

This field displays the MPS planning code for the schedule selected on the main screen ("P" is the code for the "official" MPS Production plan; other codes represent "what-if" plans).


This field displays the part's unit of measure.

Open Past-Due Forecasts

Select how existing, open forecast quantities for past dates should be processed. Past-due MPS forecast requirements are defined as those requirement rows for the selected MPS planning-only part, project(s), and (optionally) warehouses for which the forecasted requirement date falls before the current Costpoint system date, and the open sales forecast quantity and/or the open user-defined forecast quantity are greater than zero.

From the drop-down box, select one of these settings:

Overwrite Existing Forecast Quantities

Specify whether existing forecast quantities should be overwritten by the load process. If you select this option, any previously existing forecasts needed between the specified begin and end date for the specified MPS plan, part, inventory abbreviation and warehouse (if entered) are deleted (regardless of the Retain Forecast History value in MPS Settings).

Beginning Date

Enter the starting date you wish to generate forecast requirements for. If you select a Qty Period of "Weekly" or "Monthly," and the Beginning Date does not fall on a day one greater than a period end date, a partial period condition will exist. See Partial Period Proration for additional details.

Ending Date

Enter the last date you wish to generate forecast requirements for. If you select a Qty Period of "Weekly" or "Monthly", and the Ending Date does not fall on a period end date, a partial period condition will exist. See Partial Period Proration for additional details.

Qty Period

From the drop-down box, select the period for which you are entering forecast quantities. This option determines how frequently Costpoint generates forecast requirements for the specified Sales and UDF Forecast Quantities. Select one of these settings:

Partial Period Proration

Specify how Costpoint should create forecast requirements to partial periods if the beginning or ending date does not correspond with the beginning or end of a period. This option does not apply if Qty Period is set to "Daily." Select one of these settings from the drop-down box:

Sales Forecast Qty

Enter the quantity of sales forecast requirements you want to load for each period within the designated date range. This populates both the original and open sales forecast quantities for each new forecast record.

UDF Forecast Qty

Enter the quantity of user-defined forecast requirements you want to load for each period within the designated date range. This populates both the original and open user-defined forecast quantities for each new forecast record.

The actual column label depends on what is entered in the MPS Settings screen’s User-Defined Forecast Label. If the User-Defined Forecast Label field is not populated, this column is hidden.

Inv Abbrev

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the inventory abbreviation you want to load for each new forecast requirement record generated by this process. The inventory abbreviation determines the project the forecast is linked to. This is a required field.

Inv Abbrev Name

This field displays the name of the inventory abbreviation you selected in the Inv Abbrev field.


This field displays the inventory project ID linked to the inventory abbreviation you selected in the Inv Abbrev field.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, a warehouse ID you want to load for each new forecast requirement record generated by this process. This is a required field.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the planner ID of the person responsible for maintaining forecast requirements generated by this process.


Enter, or use Lookup to select a BOM configuration ID if you wish a specific configuration to be applied when planning components for forecast requirements generated by this process. This field is hidden if BOM Configurations are not enabled in BOM Settings.

Load MPS

Click the Load MPS pushbutton to generate the forecast requirements based on the parameters you entered on this screen.


The Costpoint tables impacted are listed in the following table:



Load Forecasts