Inventory Detail Subtask

Use this subtask to view inventory status information for the part(s) selected in the main screen. You can see inventory for the selected project(s) and warehouse or view inventories across all projects and warehouses.


This field displays the part ID for the part(s) selected on the main screen. The part description displays in the unlabeled field below this one.


This field displays the part revision number.

MPS Plan

This field displays the MPS planning code for the schedule entered on the main screen (P is the code for the "official" MPS Production plan; other codes represent "what-if" plans).


This field displays the part's default or inventory unit of measure.

Display Options

Display All Product Family Parts

Select this checkbox if you want to see forecast data for all parts in the same product family. This checkbox is available only if you selected the Include Prod Family Supply/Demand option on the Edit Master Production Schedules screen.

Display All Projects' Inventory

Select this checkbox if you want to see inventory information for the selected part(s) for all inventory projects. If unchecked, only inventory quantities from the project(s) selected on the main screen will be displayed.

Display All Warehouses' Inventory

Select this checkbox to display inventory information from all warehouses. If unchecked, only inventory quantities from the warehouse entered on the main screen will be displayed. This option is only enabled if the Plan Warehouses Separately option is selected in MRP Settings.

On Hand Quantity

This field displays the total quantity of the selected part/project/warehouse combinations in on hand locations.

In Inspection Quantity

This field displays the total quantity of the selected part/project/warehouse combinations in inspection and reinspection locations.

In Shipping Quantity

This field displays the total quantity of the selected part/project/warehouse combinations in shipping locations.

Table Window


This field displays the ID of the part associated with the inventory.  

This column displays only if the Display All Product Family Parts header checkbox is checked.


This field displays the part revision number of the part associated with the inventory.

This column displays only if the Display All Product Family Parts header checkbox is checked.


This field displays the description of the part associated with the inventory.  

This column displays only if the Display All Product Family Parts header checkbox is checked.


This field displays the warehouse where the inventory is maintained.

Inv Abbrev

This field displays the inventory abbreviation code owning the inventory.

Inventory Abbreviation Name

This field displays the name of the inventory abbreviation.


This field displays the ID of the inventory project associated with the inventory abbreviation.

Account Type

This field displays the type of account: "E" (Expense), "A" (Asset), or "G" (Government Furnished) as set up in the Inventory Abbreviations subtask of the Inventory Projects screen in Inventory.

On Hand Qty

This field displays the sum of all quantities of the part/inventory abbreviation/warehouse combination in on hand locations.

In Inspection Qty

This field displays the sum of all quantities of the part/inventory abbreviation/warehouse combination in inspection and reinspection locations.

In Shipping Qty

This field displays the sum of all quantities of the part/inventory abbreviation/warehouse combination in shipping locations.

In MRB Qty

This field displays the sum of all quantities of the part/inventory abbreviation/warehouse combination in Material Review Board locations

On Hold Qty

This field displays the sum of all quantities of the part/inventory abbreviation/warehouse combination in on hold locations.


The Costpoint tables impacted are listed in the following table:



ECN Parts