Forecast Demand Requirements Subtask

Use this subtask to view, add, change or delete forecast requirement records generated for the part(s), project(s), MPS Plan, and warehouse specified in the header of the main screen. You can also view and maintain forecast requirements generated by the Load Forecast screen and the Copy Master Production Schedules application.

You can modify what rows are displayed in the grid by checking or unchecking the Display All Periods and Display All Product Family Parts checkboxes in the header.


This field displays the part ID for the part selected on the main screen. The part name displays in the unlabeled field below this one.


This field displays the part revision number.

MPS Plan

This field displays the MPS planning code for the schedule selected on the main screen ("P" is the code for the "official" MPS Production plan; other codes represent "what-if" plans).


This field displays the warehouse ID selected on the main screen. This field is hidden if no warehouse was entered on the main screen.


This field displays the selected part's default or inventory unit of measure.

Display Options

Display All Periods

When the screen first displays, it displays only the forecast requirements for the time period selected on the main screen grid. Select this checkbox if you want to see forecast requirements for all periods.  

Display All Product Family Parts

Select this checkbox if you want to see forecast data for all parts in the same product family. This checkbox is available only if you selected the Include Prod Family Supply/Demand option on the Edit Master Production Schedules screen.

Period End Date

This field displays the ending date of the period for which forecast requirement information  displays. It loads from the period end date for the row selected on the main screen grid.

Table Window

Forecasted Need Date

Enter the date the forecasted requirements will be needed. You can only enter a date in this field for new forecast requirement records. Costpoint uses this date to drive MPS and MRP planning.

Open Sales Forecast Qty

Enter the open sales forecast quantity to be fulfilled by the row’s forecasted need date. The quantity will be used drive MRP and MRP planning.

Inv Abbrev

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the inventory abbreviation you want to produce the forecast requirement for. The inventory abbreviation determines the project the forecast is linked to

Inv Abbrev Name

This field displays the name of the inventory abbreviation you selected in the Inv Abbrev field.


This field displays the inventory project ID linked to the inventory abbreviation you selected in the Inv Abbrev field.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the part ID the forecast is for. This part should be part of the same product family as the part specified in the header.

This column displays only if the Display All Product Family Parts header checkbox is checked.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the part revision number (if one exists) for the part you are scheduling. This field is disabled if the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item is not selected in Product Definition Settings.

This column displays only if the Display All Product Family Parts header checkbox is checked.


This field displays the description of the part entered on this forecast line. This column  displays only if the Display All Product Family Parts header checkbox is checked.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, a warehouse ID you want to load for the forecast requirement record. This is a required field.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the planner ID of the person responsible for maintaining this forecast requirement.


Enter, or use Lookup to select a BOM configuration ID if you wish a specific configuration to be applied when planning components for the forecast. This column is hidden if BOM Configurations are not enabled in BOM Settings.

Original Sales Forecast Qty

Enter the original sales forecast quantity. The original forecast quantity is not updated by sales order consumption and is used for reference and for copying forecasts to a future period.

Original UDF Forecast Qty

Enter the original user-defined forecast quantity.  The original forecast quantity is used for reference and for copying forecasts to a future period.

The actual column label will depend on what is entered in the MPS Settings screen’s User-Defined Forecast Label.  If the User-Defined Forecast Label field is not populated, this column is hidden.

Pending Sales Forecast Consumption Qty

This column displays the sales forecast quantity due to be consumed when a pending or in-approval sales order is approved. Sales forecast quantities are not fully consumed until  reservations are created for the SO line.


The Costpoint tables impacted are listed in the following table:



Forecast Demand Requirements