Use the Proposal Item Cost History Report to print a list of items required in a proposal, including the components in that proposal's bills of material, with detailed cost information for each item. Select a proposal to print and then select which types of items to include for the proposal. You can also select the types and quantity of cost history detail that print for each item, including POs, PO History, Vendor Quotes, MOs, Item Costs, Project Item Costs, and Inventory.
Use this group box to customize the primary sorting criteria of the report.
Select this radio button to sort the report by make/buy code and item ID.
Select this radio button to sort the report by item ID.
Select this radio button to sort the report by commodity code and item ID.
Select the applicable checkboxes in this group box to indicate which items to include in the report for the given proposal.
Select this checkbox to include all "Buy" type parts in the report. Costpoint searches the proposal's item detail rows for parts whose Make/Buy status is "B" and the Item Type is "P" (Part).
Select this checkbox to include all "Make" type parts in the report. Costpoint searches the proposal's item detail rows for parts whose Make/Buy status is "M" and the Item Type is "P" (part).
Select this checkbox to include all provisional parts in the report. Costpoint searches the proposal's item detail rows for parts whose Provisional Part field is "Y" (Yes).
Select this checkbox to include all services in the report. Costpoint searches for the proposal's item detail rows where the Item Type is "S."
Select this checkbox to include all goods in the report. Costpoint searches for the proposal's item detail rows where the Item Type is "G."
Select this checkbox to include items that already have cost information included for this proposal.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ID and revision, if applicable, of the proposal in which Costpoint should search for items based on the selections in the Include group box, the Select Items group box and the Include Cost History group box. The proposal description will default once you enter the Proposal ID.
Use the fields in this group box to select the item or range of items that Costpoint should search for based on the proposal ID and the selections in the Include and Include Cost History group boxes, respectively.
Select a range of item IDs to search for from the proposal ID. The system-defined selections in this drop-down box include "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End." The default for this field is "All."
Enter, use Lookup (for standard parts) or use the Lookup Prov Part pushbutton (for provisional parts) to select, the beginning item ID that Costpoint will search for from the proposal ID. You can also enter, or use Lookup to select, the revision number of the item, if applicable. This field is enabled only when you select "One," "Range" or "To End" from the Range Option drop-down box.
Enter, use Lookup (for standard parts) or use the Lookup Prov Part pushbutton (for provisional parts) to select, the ending item ID that Costpoint will search for from the proposal ID. You can also enter, or use Lookup to select, the revision number of the item, if applicable. This field is enabled only when you select "Range" or "From Beginning" from the Range Option drop-down box.
Select this checkbox to print the request for quote rows for each item with one or more "O" (Open) or "P" (Pending) RFQ lines and/or RFQ lines that are selected for processing. RFQ information will display on the report by RFQ date in descending order. One line will print for each RFQ row's breakpoint quantity, and RFQ lines that are selected for processing will be sorted by vendor name.
Select the checkboxes that correspond to the cost history information that you want to include on the report:
Select this checkbox to include the purchase order cost for each selected item, except provisional parts, that has one or more purchase order line rows. Blanket purchase order lines and PO lines with a status of "Void" will not be included. If you select this checkbox, enter the maximum quantity of PO lines (and PO history lines, if you have selected the PO History checkbox) that should print per item in the Number field to the right of this checkbox. If the number of eligible rows is greater than the specified limit, only the number of rows specified by the limit will print on the report, and will display by PO order date in descending order.
Select this checkbox to include the purchase order history cost for each selected item, except provisional parts, that has one or more purchase order history line rows. Blanket purchase order lines and PO lines with a status of "Void" will not be included. If you select this checkbox, enter the maximum quantity of PO history lines (and PO lines, if you have selected the POs checkbox) that should print per item in the Number field to the right of this checkbox. If the number of eligible rows is greater than the specified limit, only the number of rows specified by the limit will print on the report, and will display by PO order date in descending order.
Select this checkbox to include any vendor quotes for each selected item with one or more vendor quote lines. If you select this checkbox, enter the maximum quantity of vendor quote line rows that should print per item in the Number field to the right of this checkbox. If the number of eligible rows is greater than the specified limit, only the number of rows specified by the limit will print on the report, and will display by quote date in descending order.
Select this checkbox to include any manufacturing orders for each selected part with one or more MO lines. Provisional parts, goods or services will not print on the report, nor will MOs with a status of "Planned" or "Firm Planned." If you select this checkbox, enter the maximum quantity of manufacturing order line rows that should print per item in the Number field to the right of this checkbox. If the number of eligible rows is greater than the specified limit, only the number of rows specified by the limit will print on the report, and will display by MO date in descending order.
Select this checkbox to include the item cost on the report for each selected item. Provisional parts do not apply.
Select this checkbox and enter a project ID to include project item costs for each selected item, except provisional parts, with one or more rows for the selected project. Enter, or use Lookup to select, the project in the field below this checkbox.
Select this checkbox and enter, or use Lookup to select, an inventory abbreviation in the unlabeled field to the right. The report will include inventory costs for each selected item (except provisional parts, goods or services) that has an inventory row with the selected inventory abbreviation. The system will calculate inventory costs on the report as the sum of the following:
Material cost amount + labor cost amount + subcontract cost amount + miscellaneous 1 cost amount + miscellaneous 2 cost amount
If this total is zero, the inventory cost line will not be printed.
Select this pushbutton to view a list of existing provisional parts. This pushbutton is enabled when you place the cursor in the From or To fields in the Select Items group box. Establish provisional parts in either Costpoint Product Definition or Materials Estimating.