Use this application to update the rules and default values for Costpoint Materials Estimating. Establish the default settings in this screen before executing any of the proposal, PBOM, product item costing, or RFQ functions in Costpoint Materials Estimating.

Proposal Item Cost Rules

Use this group box to specify the types of data that should be accessed when the system is attempting to identify cost sources for proposal items. You can also specify whether certain cost data values can be excluded based on the number of calendar days.  Most of the settings in this group box (with the exception of the Include Archived PO History and Roll Up Purchasing Line Charges in Unit Costs checkboxes) default to the proposal, and you can override them for the proposal record in the Details subtask of the Maintain Proposal Master screen. The settings in this group box also affect the Compute Proposal Item Costs process.

Include Expired Vendor Quotes

Select this checkbox to have the Compute Proposal Item Cost process include expired vendor quotes when it looks up item cost data. 

Quote Expiration Date Cutoff (Calendar Days)

Enter the number of days before the proposal start date in which expired quotes will be considered. 

PO Order Date Cutoff (Calendar Days)

Enter the number of days before the proposal start date in which PO order dates will be considered when the Compute Proposal Item Cost process calculates proposal item costs.

Include Archived PO History

Select this checkbox to include archived PO history as a cost source in the Compute Proposal Item Cost process.

Rollup Purchasing Line Charges in Unit Costs

Select this checkbox to have the Compute Proposal Item Cost process include PO line charges when determining item costs.

MO Order Date Cutoff (Calendar Days)

Enter the number of days before the proposal start date in which MO order dates will be considered.

Include Orders/Quotes for Quantities Larger than Item Breakpoint Quantities

Select this checkbox to include orders and quotes with quantities larger than the breakpoint quantities as cost sources in the Compute Proposal Item Cost process.

PBOM Explosions

Use the PBOM Explosions group box to define which component parts will be loaded for a given proposal line when you run the cost estimates process in the Maintain PBOM Cost Estimates - Indented and Maintain PBOM Cost Estimates - Summarized screens. Prior to running the cost estimates process, you must establish PBOM component rows in the Maintain Proposal BOM screen. The checkboxes that you select in this group box will therefore determine which PBOM components you want to include in the costing process. You cannot override the selections in this group box at the proposal level (i.e., in the Maintain Proposal Master screen).

Include Tooling Parts

Select this checkbox to include tooling parts in PBOMs and cost calculations. If you do not select this checkbox, the system will not load component parts (and their lower-level components) whose Component Type is "T" (Tooling) when displaying and costing PBOM rows.

Include Reference Parts

Select this checkbox to include reference parts in PBOMs and cost calculations. If you do not select this checkbox, the system will not load component parts (or their lower-level components) whose Component Type is "R" (Reference) when displaying and costing PBOM rows.

Include Components Below a Stop-Explosion Subassembly

Select this checkbox to include components below a stop explosion part in PBOMs and cost calculations.  If you do not select this checkbox but the component part's Stop Explosion field is "Y" (in the Maintain Proposal BOM screen), the system will load only the component itself (rather than its lower-level components) when displaying and costing PBOM rows.

Include Omit Requirement Parts

Select this checkbox to include Omit Requirements components in PBOMs and cost calculations. If you do not select this checkbox, the system will not load component parts (or their lower-level components) whose Omit Requirements field is "Y" (in the Maintain Proposal BOM screen), when displaying and costing PBOM rows.

Include Floor-Stock Parts

Select this checkbox to include floor stock parts in PBOMs and cost calculations. If you do not select this checkbox but the component part is a floor stock part (view the part in the Planning Part Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition), the system will not load it (or its lower-level components) when displaying and costing PBOM rows.

Include Scrap and Yield Factors

Select this checkbox to include scrap and yield factors when calculating PBOM requirements. You can override this selection in the Compute Proposal Item Cost screen.

Use Min/Mult Lot Sizes for Components

This checkbox indicates whether required quantities for parts should be increased to meet that part's minimum/multiple lot sizing rules when determining costs. Select this checkbox to use minimum/multiple lot sizes for parts when determining requirements and costs.