Use this non-editable subtask to view information about the selected vendor in the main screen. You can establish vendor information in the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint Purchasing, Procurement Planning, and Accounts Payable.


This field displays the proposal ID, revision (if applicable) and proposal description from the main screen.

Vendor, Name, Location

These fields display the vendor ID, vendor name, and location code from the Select Vendors table window in the main screen.


This group box displays information about the vendor's past performance with regard to items and timeliness of service. You can find additional performance detail in the Assign Vendors subtask of the Maintain PBOM Cost Estimates - Indented and Summary screens.


This column displays the percentage of rejections of the item from the vendor.


This column displays the percentage of late deliveries for this vendor.

Late (Orig Due Date)

This column displays the percentage of late deliveries for this vendor based on the original due date.


This column displays the percentage of early deliveries for this vendor. 


This text box displays any notes associated with this vendor.

Order Addresses

This table window displays all vendor address rows for the selected vendor ID where the Ord Addr field is "Y" (Yes) or "D" (Default) in the Maintain Vendors screen. 

Address Code

This field displays the address code where the vendor's Ord Addr field is "Y" (Yes) or "D" (Default).

Address Lines 1- 3

These fields display the vendor's street address and any other address information other than the city, state/province, country, or postal code for the order address.


This field displays the city for this vendor's order address line.


 This field displays the state/province for this vendor's order address line.


This field displays the country for this vendor's order address line.

Postal Code

This field displays the postal code for this vendor's order address line.

Ship ID

This field displays the ship ID for this vendor's order address line.

Phone, Fax

These fields display the assigned phone number and fax number (if applicable) for the vendor.

Industry Classifications

The Industry Class, Industry Class Desc, and Bus Size fields in this table window display the different size classifications for a given industry classification for the selected vendor. You assigned this information to the vendor in the Vendor Classification Codes subtask of the Maintain Vendors screen.