This non-editable screen displays all assembly parts in which the provisional part (which is listed as the Component Part in the table window of the Maintain EBOM screen in Costpoint Bills of Material) is used as a component in an unreleased engineering bills of material assembly. Only single-level BOM explosions from the Maintain EBOM screen are shown for the assembly part.
This field displays the provisional part ID. The provisional part description displays in the field below.
This field displays the provisional part's revision number, if applicable.
This field displays the provisional part's unit of measure.
This field displays the assembly part (from the Maintain EBOM screen in Costpoint Bills of Material) in which the provisional part is used as a component.
This field displays the assembly part revision (from the Maintain EBOM screen in Costpoint Bills of Material), if applicable, in which the provisional part is used as a component.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) if the assembly part is established as a provisional part or "N" (No) if the assembly part is not a provisional part.
This field displays the description of the assembly part from the main screen.
This field displays the latest/highest revision number for the assembly part.
This field displays the quantity of the provisional component part required for the EBOM assembly.
This field displays the line number of the provisional component part in this EBOM.
This field displays the find number of the provisional component part in this EBOM.
This field displays the component type code for the provisional component part in this EBOM: "B" (Buy w/Comp), "S" (Standard), "P" (Phantom), "R" (Reference), "T" (Tool), and "D" (Deleted).
This field displays "Y" (Yes) if this provisional component part is released in this EBOM.
This field displays "M" if the provisional component part is a "Make" part or "B" if it is a "Buy" part in this EBOM.
These fields display the configuration ID and description for the component line if it is entered in the Maintain EBOM screen in Costpoint Bills of Material. The Configuration ID is an optional field in the Maintain EBOM screen, and can be populated with a valid ID that is established in the Configuration Identifiers screen in Costpoint Bills of Material. If the Use Configuration IDs checkbox is unchecked in the BOM Corporate Settings subtask of the BOM Settings screen, this column will be hidden in the Maintain EBOM screen.
This field displays the date on which the provisional/component part becomes effective in the component line for the EBOM.
This field displays the date on which the provisional/component part will cease being effective in the component line for the EBOM.
This field displays any notes or comments associated with the component from the Maintain EBOM screen.