This screen displays all existing proposal item cost rows for the selected part in the main screen. The table in this subtask stores the "this level" cost elements, while the proposal item detail table in the main screen stores the proposal cost elements for each breakpoint. The proposal total unit cost element represents the "this level" cost amount plus the rolled-up cost amounts from all of the part's PBOM components. If a part is not an assembly part (i.e., it does not have a PBOM row for this proposal), the "this level" cost and the total cost should usually be equal.
If any lines exist in the Materials Cost Worksheet or Other Cost Worksheet subtasks, you can add them to the table window in this screen.
These fields default from the main screen.
These fields default from the main screen table window for the selected item line.
If you established lead time days for the item in the Part Lead Time subtask of the Planning Part Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition, that value will display in this field. Otherwise, this field will be blank or zero.
These fields default from the main screen table window for the selected item line. Each calculated value in the proposal quantity break field will default in the appropriate field in this group box.
Enter any additional fixed charges to be added to the estimated cost of this item. This cost amount does not change unit cost calculations but will change extended cost calculations. The fixed cost that is entered here will default for the part in the main screen.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the line charge type code associated with the additional fixed unit cost. The description of the line charge type defaults in the field to the right. You can establish line charge information in the Sales Order Line Charge Types screen in Costpoint Sales Order Entry.
This table window displays all existing proposal item cost rows for the selected part in the main screen. You can add, repeat, delete, and undelete lines, and you can modify only certain columns, as specified below.
When the highest Minimum Quantity (in this subtask) is less than or equal to the selected breakpoint quantity for the selected proposal item detail row (in the main screen), the This Level Total Unit Cost, Cost Source ID, and Cost Source Type fields default into the main screen table window when you save the record. You must run the Compute Proposal Item Costs application to calculate the other costs.
If any lines exist in the Materials Cost Worksheet or Other Cost Worksheet subtasks, you can add them here by changing the Add to Proposal Costs column to "Y" in the those subtasks and then saving the record. You cannot modify the line in this screen once it loads from the Materials Cost Worksheet or Other Cost Worksheet subtasks. Again, you must run the Compute Proposal Item Costs application to calculate the updated costs.
Enter the minimum quantity of items for which this cost exists. You cannot edit this field once the line is saved; however, you can delete it.
This field is the sum of the This Level Direct Unit Cost and This Level Burden Unit Cost columns. The value in this field is displayed the This Level Total Unit Cost field in the main screen if the quantity for the proposal item cost row is less than or equal to the selected breakpoint quantity.
The system calculates this field by summing the following columns (this process does not include this level burden costs). This value is displayed in the This Level Direct Unit Cost field in the main screen table if the quantity for the proposal item cost row is less than or equal to the selected breakpoint quantity.
This Level Material Unit Cost + This Level Labor Unit Cost + This Level Subcontract Unit Cost + This Level Misc 1 Unit Cost + This Level Misc 2 Unit Cost
Enter the incremental material unit cost for the item at the specified quantity. Once you save the record and run the Compute Proposal Item Costs application, you cannot modify this field; however, you can delete the line and add a new one.
Enter the incremental labor unit cost for the item at the specified quantity. Once you save the record, you cannot modify this field; however, you can delete the line and add a new one.
Enter the incremental subcontract unit cost for the item at the specified minimum quantity. Once you save the record, you cannot modify this field; however, you can delete the line and add a new one.
Enter the incremental first miscellaneous unit cost for the item at the specified minimum quantity. Once you save the record, you cannot modify this field; however, you can delete the line and add a new one.
Enter the incremental second miscellaneous unit cost for the item at the specified minimum quantity. Once you save the record, you cannot modify this field; however, you can delete the line and add a new one.
The system calculates this field by multiplying the This Level Material Unit Cost for this line by the material burden rate percentage in the Burden subtask of the Maintain Proposal Master screen.
The system calculates this field by multiplying the This Level Labor Unit Cost for this line by the labor burden rate percentage in the Burden subtask of the Maintain Proposal Master screen.
The system calculates this field by multiplying the This Level Subcontract Unit Cost for this line by the subcontract burden rate percentage in the Burden subtask of the Maintain Proposal Master screen.
The system calculates this field by multiplying the This Level Misc 1 Unit Cost for this line by the miscellaneous 1 burden rate percentage in the Burden subtask of the Maintain Proposal Master screen.
The system calculates this field by multiplying the This Level Misc 1 Unit Cost for this line by the miscellaneous 2 burden rate percentage in the Burden subtask of the Maintain Proposal Master screen.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the cost source type for this proposal item cost line. The Cost Source Type description displays after you populate this field. If you enter a value in the Minimum Quantity field, you must enter the Cost Source Type and Cost Source ID. You cannot modify this field after saving the record. You usually establish cost source types and descriptions in the ME Cost Source Types screen. However, if you added a row from another subtask to this table window, the cost source type and description (along with the row's cost information) will display.
Enter the ID of the source for the line's cost information. This is an optional field, and used as a reference. For example, if the Cost Source Type for the line is "PO" (Purchase Order) and you would like to reference a purchase order in which the component part is already listed, enter that PO number as a reference in this field. You cannot modify this field after saving the record.
Enter the release number (if applicable) if there is one or more release numbers for the Cost Source ID. This is an optional field, and is used as a reference to indicate the source of the costs. Typically, you will use this field to store PO release numbers. This field will default to "0" if left blank. You cannot modify this field after saving the record.
Enter the line number that applies from the cost source ID record. This is an optional field, and is used as a reference to indicate the source of the costs. This field will default to "0" if left blank. You cannot modify this field after saving the record.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the vendor ID that applies to the line's cost information. The vendor name displays once you enter the vendor ID. The Approved/Preferred field displays "Y" (Yes), "N" (No), or "P" (Preferred), as assigned to the item in the Appr field in the Assign Vendors screen in Costpoint Product Definition. You cannot modify the Vendor field after saving the record. These are optional fields, used for reference.
The vendor must not be flagged as a payroll vendor. If the vendor has an Approval Code of "Not Approved" or "Pending," you will receive a warning.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the vendor's order address code that applies to the line's cost information. Once you enter a vendor ID, this field will default with the address code whose Ord Addr field is "D" (Default) in the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint Procurement Planning or Costpoint Purchasing. You can change the vendor address code to any other valid order address for that vendor only for new lines or if you have not saved the record. This is an optional field, used for reference.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the project ID that applies to the line's cost information. You cannot modify this field after saving the record. This is an optional field, used for reference.
Enter up to 254 alphanumeric characters of notes associated with the line's cost information. You can modify this field at any time. This field is used for reference.
This field displays the order or quote date on which this proposal was created from an MO, PO, or quote. When you add a new line, this field defaults to the current system date. This field is the same as the Cost Date field in the main screen for the proposal selected quantity breakpoint.
This field automatically displays the ID of the user who entered the line's cost information.
This field automatically displays the system date on which the line's cost information was entered and/or calculated. The system updates this field each time you run the Compute Proposal Item Costs application.
This field displays the vendor's Approval Code that was set in Accounting » Accounts Payable » Vendor Info » Approve Vendors. This is "A" if the vendor is approved, "N" if the vendor is not approved, or "P" if the vendor's approval status is pending.