If you manually enter an end item in the main screen and the item ID does not exist in Costpoint, the system displays a message asking if you would like to establish the unrecognized end item/ revision ID as a provisional part. Select No to return to the main screen, or select Yes to open this dialog box where you can enter provisional part data "on-the-fly." When you save the record, the provisional part data will be accessible wherever provisional parts are used. You can maintain provisional part data in the Maintain Provisional Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition (or Costpoint Materials Estimating). Provisional part data is stored in a separate table ("PROV_PART") from standard part data. You can include provisional part information only in unreleased EBOMs, Proposal Bills of Material (PBOMs), and proposal records for planning and estimating purposes.
Use this window to enter provisional part data "on the fly" when you populate the End Item and/or Rev field in the main screen with an item that does not exist in Costpoint.
This field displays the value entered in the End Item field for the selected line in the main screen; however, you can enter a different provisional part ID containing up to 30 alphanumeric characters. This provisional part ID will be used throughout the system as the main identifier for the part. This field is required.
Use this field to track multiple changes or revision levels for each provisional part. The revision can contain up to three alphanumeric characters. This field is optional. If the Allow Multiple Revisions For Each Item checkbox is selected in the Product Definition Corporate Setting subtask of the Product Definition Settings screen, you can store multiple revisions of the same item in the database at the same time. The system will treat each revision as a separate item. If the Allow Multiple Revisions For Each Item checkbox is not selected, only the last revision of the item will be stored.
Enter, or use the Lookup pushbutton to select, a unit of measure for this provisional part. The unit of measure entered or selected must be an existing unit of measure from the Units of Measure screen in Costpoint Product Definition. The default unit of measure code is "EA" (Each).
Enter a description for the provisional part containing up to 60 alphanumeric characters. This field is required.
Select "Make" or "Buy" to track this part in PBOMs, EBOMs, and proposals. This selection will display as "M" for Make or "B" for Buy in various screens. The default for this field is "Buy." If you manufacture this part you, select "Make." If you purchase this part from an outside source, select "Buy."
Enter, or use the Lookup pushbutton to select, the provisional part type code to be assigned to this part. You can enter provisional part types in the Provisional Part Types screen in the Materials Estimating Controls menu, or in Costpoint Product Definition. Once you make a selection, the description assigned to the provisional part type code will default in the field to the right.
From this drop-down box, select a part type to be associated with this provisional part for use in PBOMs, EBOMs, and proposals. This part type selection is assigned to the part when it is converted to a standard part. The system-defined selections are as follows:
Buy with Components - This indicates that the part and its components must be ordered.
Phantom - This indicates that the part is transient (nonstocked and non-ordered).
Reference - This indicates that the part will be shown on certain reports and pick lists for reference purposes only, but there are no required planned orders.
Standard - This is the system default and indicates that the part is used in inventory and in the planning process.
Tool - This indicates a special type of part that is consumed or used in the production process but is not direct material.
Enter, or use the Lookup pushbutton to select, a commodity code to associate with this provisional part. Lookup displays the commodity codes and descriptions that were established in the Commodity Codes screen in Costpoint Product Definition. Once you have entered a commodity code, its description also displays.
Select this checkbox to indicate that vendor quotes should always be requested for this part in the estimating process. This will be used as a default throughout Costpoint whenever provisional parts are used.
Enter, or use the Lookup pushbutton to select, a valid industry classification code for this provisional part. You must establish industry classifications in the Industry Classifications screen in Costpoint Product Definition or Costpoint Purchasing.