Use this subtask to view information about the selected assembly part, and enter the assembly yield and notes.


This group box displays basic information about the assembly, including part status, yield percentage, and assembly notes.


This fields displays the assembly or parent part for which the PBOM is being created. A description of the part is displayed in the untitled field below.


This field displays the revision of the assembly or parent part for which the PBOM is being created.


This field displays the "M" (Make)/"B" (Buy) status of the assembly part from the Maintain Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.


This field displays the inventory unit of measure for the assembly.


Enter the estimated yield percentage that is expected for this assembly part for manufacturing planning purposes. The default for this required numeric field is "100.00%," but you can change this to any value between "0.00" and "999.99."  The value of this field affects the calculation in the Scrap/Yield Qty field in the main screen.

Part Status

This field displays the release status of the assembly part.  This field defaults from the main screen.

Prov Part Type

If the assembly is a provisional part, this field will display the provisional part type code that is assigned to this provisional part in the Maintain Provisional Parts screen.  If the assembly part is a standard part from Costpoint Product Definition, this field will be blank.


Use this text box to enter alphanumeric text for this assembly part.