Use this screen to choose the options for printing the Missing Timesheet Report. Several report choices are available, including sort order, timesheet cycle, and employee type. All regular, active employees within the selected timesheet period date range, who do not have a regular timesheet, are listed on the report. If the employee has no regular timesheet, but has another type of timesheet (bonus, correcting, or labor only), the employee and data from the bonus, correcting, and/or labor-only timesheet are also listed on the report.

Print this report after you have entered all timesheets, or at any point to see which timesheets have not been entered for the criteria selected.

Primary Sort

Use the selections in this group box to select the report's primary sort.

Home Organization

Select this radio button to sort by the employee's home organization.

Employee Name

Select this radio button to sort by the employee's displayed name, which appears on the report that was originally set up in the Basic Employee Info screen in Costpoint Employee.

Employee ID

Select this radio button to sort by the employee's ID. Both the employee's name and ID display on the report.

Secondary Sort

Use the selections in this group box to select the report's secondary sort.  The radio buttons in this group box are enabled based on your selection from the Primary Sort group box. If you choose to print this report by Home Organization, the Employee ID and Employee Name radio buttons will be available for selection. If you selected the Employee Name or Employee ID radio buttons in the Primary Sort group box, the None radio button will default.

Employee Name

Select this radio button to use the employee's displayed name, as entered in the Basic Employee Info screen in Costpoint Employee, as the secondary sort. This information will also appear on the report. This is one of two options available when the primary sort is by Home Organization.

Employee ID

Select this radio button to use the employee ID as the secondary sort. Both the name and ID appear on the report. This is one of two options available when the primary sort is by Home Organization.


Select this radio button if there is to be no secondary sort. This is the default when the primary sort chosen is either Employee Name or Employee ID.


Part-Time Employees

Select this checkbox to include part-time employees. Regular employees are automatically included on this report.

Temporary Employees

Select this checkbox to include temporary employees. Regular employees are automatically included on this report.


Use this group box to specify the employees, timesheet period, and home organizations to be selected for printing. For purposes of this report, you can identify only one timesheet period at a time.



Enter, or use Lookup to select, the timesheet cycle (code) for this report (see the Timesheet Periods screen). This is a required field.

Ending Date

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the timesheet period end date within the selected timesheet cycle schedule for this report. This is a required field.

Starting Date

This non-editable field displays the start date associated with the timesheet cycle and the timesheet period end date.


Use the checkboxes in this group box to include salaried employees, hourly employees, or both on the report.


Select this checkbox to include salaried employees on the report


Select this checkbox to include hourly employees on the report

Home Organization

Use items in this group box to select the home organization to appear on the report. If the range is set to "All," all the home organizations are selected. If the range is set to "One," the home organization specified in the From field is selected. If the range is set to "Range," home organizations from the value of the From field to the value of the To field are selected. If the range is set to "From Beginning," home organizations from the beginning to the value of the To field are selected. If the range is set to "To End," home organizations from the value of the From field to the end are selected.

List Mode

Select this checkbox to create non-contiguous selections. To create the non-contiguous selections, begin by using the Range Option, From, and To fields to generate a contiguous selection. Once the selection is created, apply it to the list by selecting the Apply pushbutton. The selection now appears in the list box. You can repeat this as many times as necessary to create the desired non-contiguous selection list. To remove one of the contiguous selections, highlight it in the list box and click on the Remove pushbutton. The order of the selections in the list box has no effect on the report sort order.

Range Option

Select one of the following ranges: "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," or "To End."


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the first home organization to be included in the report. This field is required if "One," "Range," or "To End" was selected as your Range Option.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the last home organization to be included in the report. This field is required if "Range" or "From Beginning" was selected as your Range Option.


Select this pushbutton to place contiguous selections in the non-contiguous selection list.


Select this pushbutton to delete contiguous selections from the non-contiguous selection list.

Employee Status

Family Medical Leave

Select this checkbox to include employees with family medical leave on the report.

Table Information

This screen uses the following tables:

Basic Employee Info - EMPL

Timesheet Header - TS_HDR

Timesheet Line - TS_LN

Salary Info and History - EMPL_LAB_INFO

Timesheet Periods - TS_PD

Timesheet Periods Schedule - TS_PD_SCH

Report Columns

Home Organization/Supervisor Name

Salary Info & History



Timesheet Header


Employee Name/Employee ID

Basic Employee Info



Timesheet Header


TS Date

Timesheet Header


TS Type

Timesheet Header


Seq No

Timesheet Header


Labor Cost

Timesheet Line