Use this screen to print a report that includes the FLSA status of all employees that are assigned to the selected Taxable Entity and are actively employed as of the selected Effective Date.  The report will determine the employee's salary basis, salary, and detail job title as of the effective date. If an employee's salary basis, salary, and job duties do not qualify the employee for FLSA exemption, but he is flagged as FLSA exempt as of the Effective Date, the employee will be flagged in the report.  If an employee’s salary basis, salary, and job duties do qualify the employee for FLSA exemption, but he is flagged as FLSA non-exempt as of the Effective Date, the employee will be flagged in the report.

Print this report when verifying that employees have the correct FLSA status. Before running this report, you must make a selection in the Job Duties Qualify for FLSA Exemption column in the Detail Job Titles screen in Costpoint Compensation and specify the Annual Exemption Basis in the Corporate Labor Settings subtask of the Labor Settings screen in Costpoint Labor.

Effective Date

Enter the date on which the FLSA Status Report will be based. The application uses this date to determine an employee's FLSA Status, Salary Amount, and Detail Job Title from the Salary Info and History table.  It also uses this date to determine the Annual Exemption Basis from the Labor Settings screen.  Employees who have no termination date or have a termination date later than the screen Effective Date will be included on the report.  

Taxable Entity

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the taxable entity ID on which the FLSA Status Report will be based.  Employees assigned to the specified Taxable Entity as of the screen Effective Date will be included on the report.

Primary Sort

Use this group box to specify the primary sort of the FLSA Status Report.

FLSA Status

Select this radio button to sort the FLSA Status report primarily by the selected employees' FLSA status. 

If you select this radio button, the Employee ID and Employee Name radio buttons in the Secondary Sort group box will become enabled. The None radio button in the Secondary Sort group box will become deselected and disabled. 

Employee Name

Select this radio button to sort the FLSA Status report primarily by the selected employees' names.

If you select this radio button, the Employee ID and Employee Name radio buttons in the Secondary Sort group box will become disabled. The None radio button in the Secondary Sort group box will become selected.

Employee ID

Select this radio button to sort the FLSA Status report primarily by the selected employees' IDs.

If you select this radio button, the Employee ID and Employee Name radio buttons in the Secondary Sort group box will become disabled. The None radio button in the Secondary Sort group box will become selected.

Secondary Sort

Use this group box to specify the secondary sort of the FLSA Status Report.

Employee Name

Select this radio button to sort the FLSA Status report secondarily by the selected employees' names.

This radio button will be available only if the Primary Sort is FLSA Status.

Employee ID

Select this radio button to sort the FLSA Status report secondarily by the selected employees’ IDs.

This radio button will be available only if the Primary Sort is FLSA Status.


This radio button will become automatically selected if the Primary Sort is Employee ID or Employee Name.  It will become automatically deselected if the Primary Sort is changed from Employee ID or Employee Name to FLSA Status