The EEOC has changed the requirements of the EEO-1 Report.  The changes to the EEO-1 Report's job categories include dividing "Officials and Managers" into two levels based on responsibility and influence within the organization and moving non-managerial business and financial occupations from the "Officials and Managers" category to the "Professionals" category.

You must use this toolkit to convert your old EEO-1 codes to the new codes before printing the September 30, 2007 EEO-1 report.  This toolkit is not available unless EEO-1 Report is selected in the EEO Setup screen in Costpoint Affirmative Action.

Run this toolkit before printing the September 30, 2007 EEO-1 report.

Functional Job Titles

Select this radio button to convert the functional job titles.

Job Groups

Select this radio button to convert the job groups.

Functional Job Title Code/Job Group Code

Note: If you selected the Functional Job Titles radio button, this field is titled Functional Job Title Code.  If you selected the Job Groups radio button, this field is Job Group Code.

Enter, or use the Lookup pushbutton to select, the functional job title code or the job group code.


This field displays the functional job title code or the job group code description.

Current EEO-1

This field displays the current EEO-1 code.

New EEO-1

Enter, or use the Lookup pushbutton to select, the new EEO-1 code for this functional job title code or the job group code.

EEO-1 Description

This field displays the description of the new EEO-1 code.


Use this pushbutton to open Lookup for the Functional Job Title Code/Job Group Code and New EEO-1 fields.

Update EEO-1 Codes

Select this pushbutton to execute this toolkit.


Select this pushbutton to cancel this toolkit and return to the Miscellaneous Functions screen.

Table Information

If you selected the Functional Job Titles radio button, this toolkit updates the FUNC_JOB_TITLES table.

If you selected the Job Groups radio button, this toolkit updates the H_JOB_GROUP table.