Use this subtask to purge labor history records from the Labor History table for a project or range of projects. When you execute this application, the system deletes all labor history records where the labor history project ID range is greater than or equal to the From value and less than or equal to the To value in the Project group box. 


Use this group box to select the range of projects to include in the purge process.

Range Option

Use this drop-down box to select a project range. Selections are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End."

If you select "All," the From and To fields are disabled; if you select "One," the To field is disabled; if you select "From Beginning" the From field is disabled; and if you select "To End" the To field is disabled.


If your range selection is "One," "Range," or "To End," enter, or use the Lookup Projects pushbutton to select, the project ID with which you want to start.


If your range selection is "Range" or "From Beginning," enter, or use the Project Projects pushbutton to select, the project ID with which you want to end.

Lookup Projects

Use this pushbutton to look up a specific project. This pushbutton will be available when you choose any of the range options except for "All."

Apply to Lower Levels

Select this checkbox to purge all labor history records for the selected project and its lower levels. This checkbox is enabled if the Range Option drop-down box is set to "One."


Use this pushbutton to purge the selected projects from the Labor History table.


Select this pushbutton to return to the Miscellaneous Toolkits screen.