Use this screen to create retroactive pay timesheets.
If you have not posted timesheets, use the Enter Timesheets program to perform pay rate modifications; however, if you have posted timesheets, you must use the Create Retroactive Timesheet Adjustments process to generate retroactive pay timesheets for the records in question.
The system generates new timesheets by comparing the hourly rate in the Salary Info and History record originally used for timesheet entry against the hourly rate in the new Salary Info and History record. If there is a difference, the system uses this hourly rate differential to calculate the new labor cost. The monetary difference between the original labor cost and new labor cost generates on a new timesheet.
"Regular," "Correcting," "D-Correcting," "Labor Only," and "N-Reversing" timesheet types are used for the comparison. The system evaluates each timesheet line. Any labor cost differences result in a new timesheet line on the timesheet generated by this program.
You can use this application to determine the retroactive rate for posted timesheet lines that have been recasted. It applies the percent of increase between the original hourly rate and the new hourly rate to the recasted overtime premium.
You can also have this application determine the retroactive rate for posted timesheet lines that have been recalculated using a weighted average rate.
Overtime premium recast refers to the ability to reassign the premium portion of overtime charges to a specific recast project, account, and/or pay type that is different from the charge accounts noted on the original timesheets.
This application populates permanent reporting tables that you can use as sources for the timesheet adjustments made in the Create Retroactive Timesheet Adjustments screen.
This screen contains functionality that will allow you to compute and report multi-state withholding taxes, based on the regulations specific to each state.
You can cancel this process at any time; however, if you are satisfied with your record specifications, you must select the Print/Calc icon to execute the Create Retroactive Timesheet Adjustments process, which evaluates only timesheets that have been posted to Costpoint Labor.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the timesheet cycle to be processed.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the timesheet date from which to start. This entry indicates the beginning timesheet date.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the timesheet date from which to end. This entry indicates the ending timesheet date.
Use the fields in this group box to select all, or specific employees within a given period.
Select this checkbox to create non-contiguous selections. You must select this checkbox to display employee IDs in the listbox.
Use this drop-down box to make a selection. Your choices include "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End." "All" is the system default.
You can use the "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End" options to generate a non-contiguous selection. You can select the "One" option to identify a single record.
After you make a selection, you can apply it to the list by selecting the Apply pushbutton. The selection displays in the list box. You can repeat this as many times as necessary to create the desired non-contiguous selection list. To remove one of the contiguous selections, highlight it in the list box and select the Remove pushbutton. The order of the selections in the listbox has no effect on the report sort order.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the employee ID from which to start. If you selected the List Mode checkbox, select the Apply pushbutton.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the employee ID from which to start. If you selected the List Mode checkbox, select the Apply pushbutton.
Select this pushbutton to add the employee IDs you have selected to the list of IDs to be processed.
Select this pushbutton to remove any employee IDs you have selected.
This non-editable box lists employee ID ranges to be processed. The employee IDs selected using the Apply pushbutton display in this list box; you can remove them by highlighting the range and selecting the Remove pushbutton. This list box populates only if you have selected the List Mode checkbox.
Select this checkbox to apply wage determination to hourly/non-exempt employee timesheets. The wage determination rates are based on a combination of the selected timesheets' timesheet date, project, labor location, labor category, and labor group. The application evaluates all timesheets for the employees and date range specified. This checkbox is enabled only if you selected the Enable Wage Determination Feature checkbox in the Labor Settings screen.
Select this checkbox to calculate and apply weighted average rates using the rules assigned to the Timesheet Cycle in the Weighted Average Overtime Setup screen. A weighted average rate is calculated by adding the labor amount from several timesheet lines and dividing that sum by the total number of hours from those timesheet lines. This concept is important for those employees who perform contract work, where they receive a different pay rate for each project.
Select this checkbox to calculate and apply weighted average rates to unposted timesheets within the date range specified on the screen. This checkbox is enabled only if the timesheet cycle's Timesheet Processing Method is Collectively in the Weighted Average Overtime Setup screen.
Select this checkbox to base salaried employees' retroactive pay on an adjusted labor cost. This checkbox is checked and disabled if the Enable for Salaried Employees checkbox is selected in the Automatic Auto-Adjust group box in the Overtime Settings screen. This field is enabled if the Enable for Salaried Employees checkbox is selected in the Selective Auto-Adjust group box in the Overtime Settings screen. If neither checkbox is selected for salaried employees, this checkbox is unchecked and disabled. The application uses the employee's Hourly/Salary status from the Salary Info and History screen as of the original timesheet date.
Select this checkbox to base hourly employees' retroactive pay on an adjusted labor cost. This field is checked and disabled if the Enable for Hourly Employees checkbox is selected in the Automatic Auto-Adjust group box in the Overtime Settings screen. This field is enabled if the Enable for Hourly Employees checkbox is selected in the Selective Auto-Adjust group box in the Overtime Settings screen. If neither checkbox is selected for hourly employees, this checkbox is unchecked and disabled. The application uses the employee's Hourly/Salary status from the Salary Info and History screen as of the original timesheet date.
Enter the auto-adjust percentage to be applied.
The auto-adjust feature synchronizes the timesheet information with the data in the Salary Info and History screen to eliminate any pay variance.
If, for example, a salaried employee works 50.00 hours in a week, you will enter 100% in this field if the employee is to be paid his regular pay based on data in the Salary Info and History screen.
In this circumstance, you will adjust the pay at 100%, and the employee will be paid his regular base pay for the week. Therefore, this employee will be paid for 40.00 hours, even though he worked 50.00.
Use the fields in this group box to enter the dates of the timesheets for which you want to generate retroactive pay timesheets.
Use the drop-down box to select the fiscal year.
Use the drop-down to select the retroactive timesheet period.
Use the drop-down box to select the retroactive timesheet subperiod.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the retroactive timesheet date.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the pay type to be used for the generated timesheets. This pay type should have a Factor of 1.0 in the Pay Types screen with the Overtime, Cost Only, OK for Salaried Employees, OK for Exempt Employees, and OK for Non-Exempt Employees checkboxes selected.
Timesheet Header – LDPRETRO_TS_HDR
Timesheet Line – LDPRETRO-TS_LN
Timesheet Line History Retroactive – TS_LN_HS_RETRO – This table stores the timesheet line history retroactive timesheet line adjustments made after executing this utility.