Use this screen to delete timesheets generated using the Create Retroactive Timesheet Adjustments screen.
The Create Retroactive Timesheet Adjustments process creates timesheets to document pay increases or adjustments that involve retroactive pay activity. You must use this process if you have already posted timesheets and you need to generate retroactive pay timesheets because the employee pay rate has changed and the original timesheet data does not reflect this adjustment.
Only timesheets generated using the Create Retroactive Timesheet Adjustments program that have not been processed using the Post Labor Distribution, Compute Payroll, and Post Payroll Journal applications can be deleted.
Executing the Delete Retroactive Timesheet Adjustments utility removes the retroactive pay timesheets from the system.
You can cancel this process at any time; however, if you are satisfied with your record specifications, you must select the Backout icon to execute this utility.
Select this checkbox to create non-contiguous selections. You must select this checkbox to display employee IDs in the listbox.
Use the drop-down box to make a selection. Your choices are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End."
Select "All" to generate a non-contiguous list of records or "One" to select a single record or individual employee ID. Select "Range" to identify a record range or multiple employee IDs, and "From Beginning" to start with the first employee ID in the database. "To End" indicates that you want to select records through the last employee ID.
After you make a selection, add it to the list by selecting the Apply pushbutton. The selection displays in the list box. You can repeat this as many times as necessary to create the desired non-contiguous selection list. To remove one of the contiguous selections, highlight it in the list box and select the Remove pushbutton. The order of the selections in the list box has no effect on the report sort order.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the employee ID from which to start. If you selected the List Mode checkbox, select the Apply pushbutton.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the employee ID from which to end. If you selected the List Mode checkbox, select the Apply pushbutton.
Select this pushbutton to add the employee IDs to the list of IDs to be processed.
Select this pushbutton to remove any employee IDs you have selected.
This display-only box lists employee ID ranges to be processed. The employee IDs selected using the Apply pushbutton display in this list box; you can remove them by highlighting the range and selecting the Remove pushbutton. This list box populates only if you selected the List Mode checkbox.
Enter the timesheet date used on the generated timesheets that you want to delete.
Select this button on the toolbar to delete the retroactive pay timesheets. You cannot execute this process until you select this pushbutton.
Timesheet Header - TS_HDR
Timesheet Line - TS_LN
Timesheet Line History Retroactive – TS_LN_HS_RETRO