Use this screen to define and set up the controls for handling the different types of leave. A leave type is a major classification for tracking leave. For example, "Vacation" is a leave type. You can have several vacation leave accrual schedules, all of which tie to one leave type - Vacation. Use this screen to control the method for leave ceilings and for tracking leave (by hours or dollars); to specify the accrual and expense accounts for recording leave in the General Ledger (G/L); and to describe the leave type code.

You must establish leave period(s) before initializing the Leave Settings screen. You must establish the Leave Settings screen before initializing the Leave Types screen.

Leave Type

Enter up to four alphanumeric characters to define the leave type code. This is a required field. You can associate leave types with a leave code in the Leave Tables screen.

Short Description

Enter up to 12 alphanumeric characters to describe the leave type code. This is a required field.


Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters to describe the leave type code. This is a required field.

Sort Value

Enter a sort value (1 through 8) for the leave type. This determines the order in which the leave type information prints on leave statements, paychecks, and payment advices. Only leave types with sort values 1 though 4 are included on paychecks and payment advices. Leave types with sort values 1 through 8 are included on statements.

Hint: Be sure that the sort value you enter in this field matches the line number set up in the Leave Statement Line Number Description group box of the Leave Settings screen.

Posting Information

Use this group box to assign the G/L expense account, expense project, accrual account, and accrual project for this leave type.

Expense Account

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the G/L expense account against which to charge the leave expense. This account is validated against the Chart of Accounts. This is a required field.

Expense Project

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the project associated with this expense account, if applicable. This is validated against the project/organization/account. This is an optional field.

Accrual Account

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the G/L accrual account against which to charge the leave accrual. When taking leave, charge it to this accrual account on the timesheet line. This account is validated against the Chart of Accounts. This is an optional field, and you should fill it in only if you are expensing leave when accrued.

Accrual Project

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the project associated with this accrual account, if applicable. This is validated against the project/organization/account. This is an optional field.

Hint:  Accounts selected for leave accrual in the Leave Types screen must be linked to each organization (org) assigned as an employee's home org in the Salary Info and History screen.

Track Leave

Use this group box to select the method for tracking leave.

By Hours

Select this radio button to record leave accrued and leave used by hours. This is the most common way of tracking leave. This method uses hours for the accruals and for leave used. The system converts leave balances to dollars by multiplying the number of hours by the employee's rate of pay in the Salary Info and History screen in Costpoint Employee.

Note: Costpoint uses the most current line in the Salary Info and History screen for computations. This method requires a journal entry in the G/L to record the increased liability as a result of changes to the employee's rate of pay (due to promotions).

By Amount

Select this radio button to record leave accrued and leave used by dollars. This method accrues leave by dollars and leave used is charged by dollars. The value of leave accrued is stored in dollars at the rate at which it is earned. The same occurs for the usage of leave; it is recorded in dollars at the rate in effect at the time the leave is used.

Note: This method has the advantage of not requiring a journal entry to record the changes in leave liability due to pay changes. However, the system converts leave balances to hours by dividing the employee's rate of pay in the Salary Info and History screen in Costpoint Employee to derive the hours. As a result, hours earned may not always equal hours available.

Leave Payout Options

Use as Excess Leave Payout Leave Type

Select this checkbox if the leave type will be used to track payable excess leave balances.

Pay Balance in Excess of Year Ceiling

Select this checkbox if the leave balances in excess of the leave or anniversary year will be paid to employee.

Eligible for Payout Upon Termination

Select this checkbox to include the leave type when creating leave payout timesheets for terminated employees.

Excess Leave Payout Leave Type

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the leave type to which the anniversary or leave year ceiling excess should be transferred.

Payout Pay Type

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the pay type to be used for payment of excess leave or unused leave upon termination.

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Usage

Use this group box to establish whether this is an FMLA leave type or the related leave type designated for FMLA usage.

Use as FMLA Leave Type

Select this checkbox to indicate that this leave type is exclusively for FMLA leave tracking usage. If you select this checkbox, the Related FMLA Leave Type field becomes available.

Timesheet line types determine the tracking of normal leave usage, FMLA leave, or both. There are three different timesheet line types:

"A" - Default. This timesheet line has hours and dollars, or only dollars, and tracks normal leave usage.

"L" - This is an hours-only timesheet line that records FMLA leave or leave without pay.

"B" - This timesheet line is a combination of the "A" and the "L" types. There are hours and dollars and it tracks both FMLA leave and normal leave usage.

Related FMLA Leave Type

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the leave type that you have designated as FMLA leave. If there is a timesheet line type of either "L" or "B, " the leave taken will be included in tracking the FMLA leave type stated here. This field is not available unless you select the Use as FMLA Leave Type checkbox.

Example:  An employee has approval for FMLA leave. This employee has vacation hours that he can apply toward his FMLA leave, and he will receive pay for these hours. This field, in conjunction with the timesheet line type of "B," will allow Costpoint to credit the employee's vacation leave balance and credit these hours toward the FMLA Leave Type, allowing a tracking of available hours.

Warning: As stated above, the system will compare the employee's available leave to the leave balance floor when the leave accrual account is entered on the timesheet line. If the leave accrual account is entered on multiple timesheet lines during the same leave period, each line will be validated independently of other entries. For example, if you have eight available hours and enter one timesheet line for six hours and enter another timesheet line for six hours during the same leave period, the system will compare both timesheet lines to the available eight hours and accept both. This scenario will most likely occur if you enter weekly timesheets and you have a different leave period (i.e., bi-weekly or monthly).

Leave Balance Options

Ceiling Method

From the drop-down list, select one of the following options to determine the leave ceilings.

Year Option

Leave Year

Select this checkbox to specify the leave year option.

Anniversary Year

Select this checkbox to specify the anniversary year option.

Not Applicable

Select this checkbox if neither the leave year nor anniversary year is an option.

Leave Balance Floor

Enter the leave balance floor in dollars or hours.

The data you enter here represents the maximum total of negative leave that is allowed. For example, you might enter "-40.00" if the employer allows its employees to have a deficit of "-40.00" hours.  If the employer does not allow negative leave balances, you will enter "0" in this field.

Your entry should be consistent with the data you entered in the Track Leave group box. If, for instance, you selected the By Hours radio button, you should enter an hours amount here. If you selected the By Amounts radio button, you should enter a dollar amount in this field.

Your entry is used to determine whether the employee can enter a leave account on the timesheet once the employee has reached this amount.

If the available leave, less the entered amount, is under the leave balance floor entered in this field, the timesheet's validation may trigger a warning or error message depending on your selection of radio buttons in the Edit Method group box.

Floor Edit Method

Use this group box to establish how leave entries will be validated when this leave type's leave accrual account is entered on the employee's timesheet and when the available leave, less the entered amount, is under the leave balance floor.

No Edit

Select this radio button to determine that there will be no validation of the leave balance floor. If the available leave less the leave entry is below the leave balance floor amount, the system accepts the entry without displaying any message or warning that the entered amount is below the leave balance floor.

Soft Edit

Select this radio button to control the leave balance floor validation by having the system display a warning message before accepting the entry. If the available leave, less the leave entry, is below the leave balance floor amount, the entry is accepted after the user acknowledges a warning message that the entered amount is below the leave balance floor.

Hard Edit

Select this radio button to control the leave balance floor validation by having the system display an error message and not allowing the timesheet entry to be accepted. If the available leave, less the leave entry, is below the leave balance floor amount entered above, the entry is not accepted.

Compute Method for Leave Based on Hours Worked

Use the radio buttons in this group box to calculate leave based on hours worked. When the Compute Method is "H-Regular Hours" in the Leave Codes screen, the leave is based on hours worked.

Exclude related timesheet hours from all Leave Types

Select this radio button to exclude timesheet hours related to all leave types when computing leave codes based on hours worked.

Exclude related timesheet hours from this Leave Type

Select this radio button to exclude this leave type's hours when computing associated leave codes that are based on hours worked.

Include related timesheet hours for all Leave Types

Select this radio button to include timesheet hours related to all leave types when computing leave codes that are based on hours worked.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the following tables:

Leave Types - LV_TYPE

Accounts - ACCT

Projects - PROJ