Use this screen to set up the company-wide default pay types, accounts, and/or organizations for specific timesheet line types. Pay types, accounts, and/or organizations come from the timesheet line types entered in the Enter Timesheets screen, if pay types are associated with the specific timesheet line types.

You must initialize this screen so that pay types, accounts, and/or organizations are associated with timesheet line types before they default to the specific timesheet line types entered in the Enter Timesheets screen.

Company Wide Defaults

Timesheet Line Type

This field displays nine timesheet line types that can be associated with a company-wide pay type, account, and/or organization.

Pay Type

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the three-character alphanumeric pay type that should be the default for all employees for the associated timesheet line type, when this timesheet line type is entered in the Enter Timesheets screen.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the account code that should default for all employees for the associated timesheet line type, when this timesheet line type is entered in the Enter Timesheets screen. You can enter up to 15 characters in this an optional field.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the organization code that should default for all employees for the associated timesheet line type, when this timesheet line type is entered in the Enter Timesheets screen. You can enter up to 20 characters in this optional field.

Tables Updated

This screen updates the following tables:

Timesheet Line Type Default Settings -  LD_TS_LN_TYPE_DFLT

Pay Types - PAY_TYPE