Use this screen to establish Wage Determination (WD) fringe handling settings. If you selected the Enable Wage Determination Feature and Require Labor Location on Timesheet checkboxes in the Labor Settings screen, this screen is accessible. You do not have to fill out this screen, and should do so only if you have set up a record with a Fringe Amount and with a Payment Method of Cash in the Wage Determination Rates screen.
Use this screen to determine the codes to be used for the creation of a timesheet line charging fringe labor cost. The system automatically generates a separate timesheet line to record the fringe amount, separate from the timesheet line recording the base labor cost. The settings in this screen specify the codes for the timesheet line that will be generated (project, account, pay type and organization).
Initialize this screen after you have completed the Wage Determination Rates screen to set up a record for applying fringe amounts on the timesheet line.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 30 characters to specify a specific project number. You must have already established the project number in Costpoint Project Setup. This is a required field. The project description will display in the adjacent unlabeled field.
Select this checkbox to apply the WD rate to lower levels of the Project. If you select this checkbox, you do not have to enter each level for a project; however, if there is one level of a project that has different rates that need to be applied, you can enter the project number at that specific level.
Select this checkbox to use the same project number to charge the fringe labor cost for the timesheet line, which is automatically generated. Leave this checkbox empty to omit charging the project number.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the six-character alphanumeric code established in the Labor Locations/Locals screen to which this record applies. This is a key field; therefore, you can establish different fringe records for different labor locations. This can be useful if your fringe rates are determined by geographical location. This labor location code will be used for the automatic timesheet line. This is a required field. The labor location description displays in the adjacent unlabeled field.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the general ledger account number to be used for the automatically generated timesheet line. This is a required field. The general ledger account description displays in the adjacent unlabeled field.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the three-character alphanumeric pay type code to be used for the automatically generated timesheet line. This is a required field. The pay type description displays in the adjacent unlabeled field.
Use this group box to determine the organization to be used for the automatically generated timesheet line.
Select this radio button to use the employee's Home Organization from the Employee Salary Info and History table in Costpoint Employee.
Select this radio button to fill in the organization field to the right of the radio button and use that organization for the automatically generated timesheet line. Enter, or use Lookup to select, the organization code established in Costpoint General Ledger. This is a required field. A validation between this organization and the general ledger account number above for linkage will be performed. The organization description is displayed in the adjacent unlabeled field.
Changes to this screen update the following tables:
WD Fringe Handling - WD_FRNG_HANDLING
Accounts - ACCT
Labor Location/ Local - LAB_LOCATION
Labor Settings - LAB_SETTINGS
Organizations - ORG
Maintain Org/Acct Links - ORG_ACCT
Pay Types - PAY_TYPE
Project - PROJ
Project/Org/Account links - PROJ_ORG_ACCT