Use this screen to establish warehouses where materials can be received and stored as inventory. When the warehouse is established, you can assign transaction IDs, location structure, and default locations for Receiving for each warehouse. If you did not select the Use Multiple Warehouses checkbox in the Inventory Settings screen, the default warehouse options will be maintained here.
Establish warehouses when initializing Costpoint Inventory and before processing inventory transactions. You can maintain warehouses whenever changes are needed to existing warehouses.
Enter a warehouse ID containing up to eight alphanumeric characters. This is a required field.
Enter a description of the warehouse ID containing up to 40 alphanumeric characters.
Use this group box to enter the address for this warehouse.
Enter the first address line, containing up to 40 alphanumeric characters, for this warehouse. This is a required field.
Enter the second address line, containing up to 40 alphanumeric characters, for this warehouse.
Enter the third address line, containing up to 40 alphanumeric characters, for this warehouse.
Enter the city, containing up to 25 alphanumeric characters, for this warehouse address. This is a required field.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the state/province for this warehouse address. This field can contain up to 15 alphanumeric characters. The state/province entered must exist in the Maintain States and Provinces table in Costpoint System Administration. This is a required field for warehouses in the United States.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the postal code for this warehouse address. This field can contain up to 10 alphanumeric characters. If the postal code entered already exists in the Postal Codes table in Costpoint System Administration, the city, state, and country will automatically be loaded. If the postal code does not exist, the city, state/province, country, and postal code entered in this screen will be added to the Postal Codes table. This is a required field.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the country for this warehouse address. This field can contain up to eight alphanumeric characters. The country assigned to the State entered will be defaulted here, but can be changed if necessary.
This group box contains the shipping information for this warehouse.
Enter a unique ship ID, containing up to 20 alphanumeric characters, for this warehouse. This ship ID cannot already exist in the Purchasing Ship ID table. You can also assign Ship ID information to vendors (in the Maintain Vendors screen), customers (in Costpoint Sales Order Entry), and branch locations (in the Branch Locations screen under the Purchasing Controls menu in Costpoint Purchasing). You can view all ship ID information that has been established in the Display Ship IDs screen in Costpoint Purchasing. If you selected the Plan Warehouse Separately checkbox in the MRP Corporate Settings subtask of the MRP Settings screen in Costpoint Materials Requirement Planning, you must enter a ship ID for each warehouse ID.
Enter a name containing up to 40 alphanumeric characters for this ship ID.
Enter the extended name containing up to six alphanumeric characters for this ship ID.
Enter a description containing up to 30 alphanumeric characters for this ship ID.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the sales tax code for this shipping ID. This sales tax code must already exist in the Sales Tax Code table in Costpoint System Administration.
Select this pushbutton to assign transaction IDs for the selected warehouse.
Select this pushbutton to set up the location ID structure for the selected warehouse.
Use this pushbutton to set up the default location IDs for the selected warehouse.
Changes to this screen update the WHSE table. This screen also relies on the settings in the MRP_SETTINGS_CORP table. Information for warehouses is also stored in and/or pulled from the following tables, as indicated for the applicable subtasks in this screen: COUNTRY, INSP_HDR, INSP_LN, INSP_LN_REJ, MAIL_STATE, PHYS_COUNT, PO_LN, PO_LN_CHNG, POSTAL_CD, RECPT_HDR, RQ_LN, S_INVT_TRN_TYPE, SALES_TAX, SHIP_ID, WHSE_LAST_TRANS, WHSE_LOC, WHSE_LOC_STRUC.