Use this screen to pull parts out of inventory and issue them to a manufacturing order. The inventory costs of issues will be tracked by the MO to which they are issued to determine the value of the parts built by the manufacturing order. You can also access this screen in Costpoint Production Control.
Use this screen as required to issue inventory to a manufacturing order.
Enter the ID of the issue you want to add. If the Auto-Assign field in the Transaction IDs subtask of the Warehouses screen is set to "Y" (Yes) for the "Issue to Manufacturing Order" selection, leave this field blank and the system will automatically assign the next issue ID based on the Last Inv Trans ID field in the Transaction IDs subtask of the Warehouses screen. If the Auto-Assign field is set to "N" (No), you can manually enter an issue ID of up to 10 alphanumeric characters. Transaction IDs cannot begin with a space.
Enter the date this transaction took place. The accounting period will be derived from this date. This required field defaults to the current date, but it can be changed.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the employee ID of the person who performed this issue.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ID of the manufacturing order to which these parts are being issued. A MO does not qualify for MO issues unless the Allow Additional Material Issues checkbox has been selected in the Header subtask of the Enter Manufacturing Orders screen in Costpoint Production Control.
This field displays the status of the selected MO.
This field displays the name of the planner assigned to the selected MO.
This field displays the name of the supervisor assigned to the selected MO.
This field displays the warehouse in which the selected MO is being built.
This field displays the total remaining costs to be issued to the MO, based on the requirement lines entered. This total will change to reflect the actual cost currently being issued.
Whenever you select the New Line button on the toolbar, the issue line number is automatically assigned. If you select the Autoload pushbutton, issue lines for the current MO requirements will display.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the MO requirement line number against which these parts are being issued. If the Update Rsvn field is set to "Y," the Inv Reservation Quantity is reduced by the Issued Quantity, even if the issue part/revision and/or inventory abbreviation do not match. If this field is left blank and the Update Rsvn field is set to "Y," the program will look for a requirement line matching the MO and part/revision (and same inventory abbreviation if multiple rows exist with matching MO and part/revision) and reduce the Inv Reservation Quantity on that issue line by the Issued Quantity. If the Quantity to Issue field in the Requirements subtask of the Enter Manufacturing Orders screen in Costpoint Production Control is less than the original Inv Reservation Quantity, it will not be reduced unless it becomes greater than the new Inv Reservation Quantity, in which case it will be reduced to equal the new reserved quantity. The Quantity to Issue field cannot be larger than the Inv Reservation Quantity.
This field displays the component find number of the material requirement.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ID of the part being issued to the MO.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the part revision of the part being issued to the MO.
This field displays the description of the part being issued to the MO.
This field displays the unit of measure of the part being issued to the MO.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the inventory abbreviation code from which the material is being issued.
This field displays the project ID from which the material is being issued.
Enter the quantity of the part being issued to the MO. If you select the Autoload pushbutton, the total quantity required will automatically display, but it can be changed. If there is only one location (with a quantity greater than zero) for the part/inventory abbreviation/warehouse, the From Location field is loaded with that location. If the quantity at that location is less than the Inv Reservation Quantity, it is displayed in the Issue Quantity field. If you selected the Autoload pushbutton and no issues are being made for this part, the entire line must be deleted. If a requirement line exists and "Y" has been entered in the Update Rsvn field, a positive issue will decrease inventory quantities, decrease Inv Reservation Quantity, increase Issued Quantity, and increase MO costs. Similarly, a negative issue will increase inventory quantities, increase Inv Reservation Quantity, decrease Issued Quantity, and decrease MO costs.
Average actual costs are not affected by positive issues, whereas negative issues will recalculate it (if the build-to inventory project uses average actual costing).
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the warehouse location from which the material is being issued. If you select the Autoload Backflush pushbutton (from the warning message) and there is only one location (with a quantity greater than zero) for the part/inventory abbrev/warehouse, the From Location field is loaded with that location. For a backflush part, selecting the Autoload pushbutton loads the backflush location into the From Location field. You must select the First Issue radio button in the Backflush Timing group box in the Production Control Settings screen in Costpoint Production Control for backflush component lines to be loaded (see the Backflush Requirements section below). If you issue a positive quantity and the From Location is "On Hold" (for the Warehouse ID in the Locations screen), you will receive a warning message if you attempt to save the record or add a new line.
This field displays the completion need date from the Enter Manufacturing Orders screen.
Enter "Y" to reduce the Inv Reservation Quantity by the Issued Quantity. Enter "N" if you do not want to consume the part's reservation.
This field displays the inventory reservation quantity of the part.
This field displays the total required quantity of the part, based on the build quantity entered in the Enter Manufacturing Orders screen in Costpoint Production Control.
This field displays the total issued quantity of the part.
This field displays the unit cost of the part. For positive issues, this is the average actual cost for the part/revision/inventory abbreviation. For negative issues this will be equal to the unit cost of the latest issue for the part/revision/inventory abbreviation.
This field displays the total extended cost of the part based on the issued quantity.
Use Lookup to select from a list of substitute parts for the part on this issue line.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the reference number from which the issue line costs are being pulled. This optional field must contain a valid reference number from the Reference Numbers (Ref) menu in Costpoint General Ledger, and is used by Accounting for alternate financial reporting. Data entry headings "Reference 1" and "Reference 2" are user-defined in the G/L Settings screen in Costpoint General Ledger.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the reference number from which the issue line costs are being pulled. This optional field must contain a valid reference number from the Reference Numbers (Ref) menu in Costpoint General Ledger, and is used by Accounting for alternate financial reporting. Data entry headings "Reference 1" and "Reference 2" are user-defined in the G/L Settings screen in Costpoint General Ledger.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the reference number to which the issue line costs are being issued. This optional field must contain a valid reference number from the Reference Numbers (Ref) menu in Costpoint General Ledger, and is used by Accounting for alternate financial reporting. Data entry headings "Reference 1" and "Reference 2" are user-defined in the G/L Settings screen in Costpoint General Ledger.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the reference number to which the issue line costs are being issued. This optional field must contain a valid reference number from the Reference Numbers (Ref) menu in Costpoint General Ledger, and is used by Accounting for alternate financial reporting. Data entry headings "Reference 1" and "Reference 2" are user-defined in the G/L Settings screen in Costpoint General Ledger.
This non-editable column displays the work center where this part will be consumed on the manufacturing order. You can edit this information in the Requirements subtask of both the Expedite Manufacturing Orders and the Enter Manufacturing Orders screens in Costpoint Production Control.
Select this pushbutton to view the accounting period to which the transaction is being charged.
Select this pushbutton to view or modify notes about the transaction.
Select this pushbutton to view or modify serial/lot information on the transaction line. If the amount in the Total Issue Amt field is negative, selecting this pushbutton will display the Serial/Lot Assignment subtask. If the amount in the Total Issue Amt field is positive, selecting this pushbutton will display the Serial/Lot Disposition subtask.
Select this pushbutton to record or view cost information on the transaction line. This pushbutton is not available if Cost Suppression is in effect (i.e., the Suppress Cost checkbox is selected in the table window of the Maintain Users screen in Costpoint System Administration).
This pushbutton is available only when the Relief radio button is selected in the Backflush Timing group box in Costpoint Production Control Settings. When selected, the Autoload function loads the issue lines from the current requirements of the selected MO that have an Inv Reservation Quantity greater than zero. If there is only one location (with a quantity greater than zero) for the part/inventory abbreviation/warehouse, it is loaded into the From Location field. If the quantity at that location is less than the Inv Reservation Quantity, it is displayed in the Issue Quantity field. You can also load requirements one line at a time by selecting the New Line icon and entering (or use Lookup to select) a requirement number in the Reqmt Line field, and the same information will populate the table window. If you do not enter a requirement line, you can still issue to an MO and specify whether or not reservations will be consumed against that MO.
If you selected the First Issue radio button for the Backflush Timing in the Production Control Settings screen and you enter an MO that has remaining Backflush requirements to issue (from the Requirements subtask in the Enter Manufacturing Orders screen), you will receive the following message: "Do you wish to load existing requirements? Backflush requirements exist." Moreover, you will have three options from within this warning message that allow you to automatically load MO requirements for all required inventory parts, backflush parts (if they exist), or no autoload:
Autoload All – Select this option to populate the table window with all requirement lines for that MO where the Inv Reservation Quantity is greater than zero. The part's Issue Quantity will display the total requirement, or the available quantity that is in inventory if this is less than the total requirement. You can change the quantity to issue. If no issues are being made for the selected part, you must delete the entire line.
Autoload Backflush - Select this option to populate the table window with only backflush requirement lines for that MO where the Inv Reservation Quantity is greater than zero. Instead of loading the entire inventory reservation quantity in the Issue Quantity column, the system will load the Issue Quantity column with the requirement's Inv Reservation Quantity, Quantity to Issue, or backflush location quantity, whichever is lowest. The From Location field will populate with the requirement's Backflush Location. Each line that is loaded in this way will be flagged as a new line. You will receive a warning message if the entire reservation quantity cannot be loaded because there is an insufficient quantity in the location.
No Autoload – Select this pushbutton to return to the main screen without changes.
If you selected the First Issue radio button and you enter an MO that does not have remaining Backflush requirements to issue, you will receive the following message: "Do you wish to load existing non-backflush requirements? Backflush requirements do not exist." If you select the Autoload pushbutton from within this warning message, the table window will populate with the requirement lines for that MO where the inventory reserved quantity is greater than zero. If you select the No Autoload pushbutton, you will return to the main screen without changes.
You can clone MO issues by selecting Clone from the File menu on the toolbar. The Clone dialog box will appear and you can enter the Issue ID that you would like to clone, as well as the Type and Warehouse for a particular Issue ID. If the Issue ID, MO, and Issue Lines have been loaded in the main screen, the Clone function will default with that issue ID. Select the Execute pushbutton to proceed with the clone transaction, or select Cancel to discontinue and return to the main screen. Once you have cloned the transaction, the system will display a message giving you the option to reverse it. Select Yes to reverse the quantities of the cloned transaction. Select No to keep the cloned transaction as it appears. Reversing quantities cannot exceed the original transaction quantity. The effect of reversing a positive issue is similar to that of a issuing a negative quantity. The original transaction costs will be used for the reversal. If a part requires serial/lot tracking, save the record and access the Serial/Lot Disposition subtask for that issue line/part.
Changes to this screen update the INVT_TRN and INVT_TRN_LN tables. This screen also relies on the settings in the INVT_SETTINGS, MRP_SETTINGS_CORP, and PC_SETTINGS tables. Information for manufacturing order issues is also stored in and/or pulled from the following tables, as indicated for the applicable subtasks in this screen: EMPL, INVT, INVT_WHSE_LOC, ITEM, MO_HDR, MO_RQMT, PART, PART_PROJ, PC_SUPERVISOR, PLANNER, PROJ_EDIT, PROJ_SUBST_PART, REF_STRUC, RES_HDR, RES_LN, SUB_PD, SUBST_PART, WHSE_LAST_TRANS, WHSE_LOC.