Use this screen to relieve materials from inventory and charge them to a sales order. A material issue will automatically create an inventory transaction and decrease reserved inventory quantities for all inventory line items. The inventory transaction is posted to the General Ledger through the Inventory journal.
You can also issue non-inventory line items through this function. The Cost of Sales journal entries for non-inventory items are posted to the general ledger through the Sales Order journal. The associated costs for dropshipment, in-transit, recurring, and invoice only items are derived from either a percentage of sales or from the established Sales Order Cost Types table. This table contains eight cost sources that can be prioritized: Cost Schedule/Percent of Sales, Item Last, Item Reference, Item Standard, Project/Item Last, Project/Item Standard, Project/Item Reference, and Purchase Order. The cost types must be sequenced before you enter material issues in this screen. You must record an issue transaction for inventory, dropshipment, and in-transit items. You cannot edit inventory costs in this screen.
In order to track Serial/Lot information on a given sales order line, you must specify that the part requires Sales Order Configuration Tracking in the Part Serial/Lot Information subtask of the Basic Part Data or the Maintain Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition. Either the Serial or the Lot checkbox in the Sales Order Configuration Tracking Reqd group box in the Part Serial/Lot Information subtask of the Basic Part Data or the Maintain Parts screen, and the Enable Inventory Serial/Lot Tracking checkbox in the Serial/Lot Settings screen, must be selected to activate tracking for parts on inventory ("INV") line types in this screen.
If you entered components for a Sales Order line and set the Issue Components field to "Y" (Yes) for that line in the Enter Sales Orders screen in Costpoint Sales Order Entry, the components of that line will display instead of the SO line item itself.
You should record the issue transaction as soon as the material has been pulled from inventory, drop shipped by the vendor, or passed in-transit. Sales orders must have an approved status before you record an issue. When the issue transaction is recorded, the system calculates the applicable cost of sales.
If you entered "Y" in the Auto-Assign field in the Transaction IDs subtask of the Warehouses screen for the "Issue to Sales Order" selection, leave this field blank and the system will automatically assign the next issue ID. If the Auto-Assign field is set to "Y" (Yes) and an issue ID is manually assigned, the Last Inv Trans ID field in for this selection in the Transaction IDs subtask of the Warehouses screen will not be updated. If the Auto-Assign field is set to "N" (No), you can manually enter an issue ID of up to 10 alphanumeric characters.
The system date is the default for this field, but you can enter a new date.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the material handler who is performing this transaction. A valid employee ID is required.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the sales order number to which the items are being charged.
This field is currently unavailable.
This field is currently unavailable.
This non-editable field displays the customer name associated with the selected sales order.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid warehouse from which the material was pulled. You can change the default, which is the warehouse from the first line item on the sales order, as required.
This non-editable field displays the sales order line number. Line items that are entered as inventory, in-transit, or dropshipment types will default here.
This non-editable field displays the component line number, if applicable. If issuing is to be completed at the component level for a given SO line, the components of that line will display instead of the SO line item itself when you select the Auto-Issue pushbutton.
The CLIN contract line item number entered on the sales order line will display in this non-editable field.
The item number and revision will default from the sales order. These are non-editable fields unless "Y" (Yes) is entered for the line item in the Sub Parts column in the Enter Sales Orders screen in Costpoint Sales Order Entry.
This field displays the item's description.
You can enter up to 254 characters of free-form text in this optional text box.
This non-editable field displays the line type from the sales order.
This non-editable field displays the miscellaneous type code, if applicable, from the sales order line.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid inventory abbreviation to which the issued material will be charged. The default inventory abbreviation from the sales order line will display here, but can be edited when the issue is first added to the system.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the location ID from where the material is being issued. This is a required field for inventory line items.
This non-editable field displays the inventory unit of measure for the item.
Enter the quantity to be issued in the inventory unit of measure. If you prefer, you can leave this field blank and enter the issue quantity in the ordering unit of measure. If you enter the quantity in the ordering unit of measure, the system, employing the unit of measure conversion table, will automatically calculate this field. The maximum issue quantity is 9,999,999,999.9999.
You can enter the issue quantity as a negative number, which would be appropriate when an item is returned to the shelves as the result of a vendor return, over-issue, or issue error.
The system will calculate the open quantity for the line item as the difference between the ordered quantity and the cumulative issued quantity. The open quantity will be expressed in inventory unit of measure in this non-editable field.
This non-editable field displays the inventory unit cost for inventory line items only.
This non-editable field displays the reservation ID for inventory line items only.
This non-editable field displays the ordering unit of measure on the sales order.
Enter the quantity in the sales order unit of measure. If you prefer, you can leave this field blank and enter the issue quantity in the inventory unit of measure. If you enter the quantity in the inventory unit of measure, the system, employing the unit of measure conversion table, will automatically calculate this field. The maximum issue quantity is 9,999,999,999.9999.
You can enter the issue quantity as a negative number, which would be appropriate when an item is returned to the shelves as the result of a vendor return, over-issue, or issue error.
The system will calculate the open quantity for the line item as the difference between the ordered quantity and the cumulative issued quantity. The open quantity will be expressed in sales order unit of measure in this non-editable field.
This non-editable field displays the quantity ordered for the sales order line item.
For sales order items that require an issue transaction (Line Type is "INT" or "DRP"), the item's cost will be determined by the sequence of the system costs in the Sales Order Cost Types screen in Costpoint Sales Order Entry. The default costs in this field can be changed.
The system will check the Sales Order Cost Types table to determine the cost with the lowest sequence number. If a sequence number of zero has been assigned, the cost type will be ignored. If the cost is not zero, it will be loaded into the unit cost field. If the cost type produces a unit cost equal to zero, the cost type with the next available sequence number will be used. The unit cost will be multiplied by the sales order issue quantity to determine an extended cost amount.
The calculated unit cost multiplied by the issue quantity will produce the line's extended cost. This system-calculated field cannot be changed.
The overshipment flag, "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No), displays in this field from the sales order line item.
This non-editable field displays the shipping tolerance percentage from the sales order line item.
The substitute parts flag, "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No), displays in this field from the sales order line item .
This non-editable field displays the ship-to address code from the sales order line item.
This non-editable field displays the sales group abbreviation from the sales order line item.
The sales order line status of "O" (Open), "C" (Closed), or "S" (System closed) displays in this field and cannot be changed.
This non-editable field displays the warehouse ID from the sales order line item.
Select this pushbutton to view the accounting period information (fiscal year, period, subperiod, and ending date) related to the transaction date.
Documentation for So Hdr Docs will be forthcoming in an additional Help release.
Select this pushbutton to enter notes relating to the transaction.
Select this pushbutton to open the Serial/Lot Information or Serial/Lot Disposition subtask.
Documentation for So Ln Docs will be forthcoming in an additional Help release.
Select this pushbutton to automatically satisfy issue quantities for all lines on the chosen sales order. You can use this subtask, which is functional only if you have selected the Enable Auto-Issue checkbox in the Sales Order Defaults screen in Costpoint Sales Order Entry, to automatically satisfy issue quantities for all lines on the chosen sales order. The system will compare the order quantity to the cumulative (to date) quantity. Any residual quantity will default in the Issue Qty fields where it can be edited, as necessary.
The Auto-Issue function is particularly useful for streamlining data entry for dropshipment and in-transit line items. Rather than being pulled from inventory, these items are recorded as issue transactions based on a third party or vendor.
This non-editable field displays the cumulative extended cost for all line items on the issue transaction.
Changes to this screen update the INVT_TRN and INVT_TRN_LN tables. This screen also relies on the settings in the INVT_SETTINGS, MRP_SETTINGS_CORP, and OE_SETTINGS tables. Information for sales order inventory issues is also stored in and/or pulled from the following tables, as indicated for the applicable subtasks in this screen: ALT_PART, BOM_CONFIG, CLIN_CST_SCH, CUST, CUST_ADDR, EMPL, INVT, INVT_ABBRV_CD, INVT_WHSE_LOC, ITEM, ITEM_CST, ITEM_PRODUCT, ITEM_PROJ_CST, MANUF, OE_CST_TYPE, ORG_ACCT, PART, PART_PROJ, PO_LN, PROD_CST_SCH, PROD_PRICE_CATLG, PROJ, PROJ_CLIN_PROD, RES_HDR, RES_LN, ROUTING_HDR, SALES_GROUP_ACCTS, SERIAL_LOT, SHIP_ID, SO_HDR, SO_ISS_SERIAL_LOT, SO_ISSUE_HDR, SO_ISSUE_LN, SO_LN, SO_LN_COMP, SUB_PD, UM, VEND, WARRANTY, WHSE_LOC.