Use this subtask to define inventory burden options.
Use the selections in this group box to specify the type of burden rate to use when calculating inventory burden amounts.
Select this option to use target burden rates to calculate inventory burden amounts.
Select this option to use actual burden rates to calculate inventory burden amounts.
Use the fields in this group box to determine if and how raw material burdening should be applied.
Use the selections in this group box to specify when to include burden as inventory costs for raw materials inventory abbreviations.
Select this option if you do not want to include raw material burden in inventory costs.
Select this option to include raw material burden amounts when the material is issued to a Manufacturing Order (MO).
Select this option to include raw material burden amounts in inventory when the material is received.
This group box displays default asset burden variance inventory accounts and organization for raw material.
Enter, or use the binoculars icon to select, the default charge account where all asset raw material burden variance is posted. This account must be an active valid detail account; this account cannot be a project account.
Enter, or use to select, the default organization to which all asset raw material burden variance post. This organization must be a valid, active organization.
Select this check box to transfer calculated expensed burden costs from original inventory abbreviations to new projects when performing an inter-project issue or transfer. If this box is clear, the expense burden amounts recalculate using the burden rates of the new project.
Select this check box to provide default new finished goods expense inventory abbreviations to use separate WIP and finished goods accounts and orgs for each cost element. When this check box is selected, MO costs hit the WIP account/orgs. Finished goods account/orgs are not updated until parts are relieved.
This option is only available if the Move Burden Costs when Issuing/Transferring Inventory from Expense Projects option is selected.
Changes to this screen update the INVT_SETTINGS table.