Use this screen to print information on employees who are scheduled for a performance review. The report prints for a range of periods extending from 30 to 90 days and displays any reviews that are past due.
You can print this report any time after entering the applicable dates in the Basic Employee Info screen in Costpoint Employee.
Use the options in this group box to select the order in which you want the report to print.
Select this radio button to sort the report by employee name.
Select this radio button to sort the report by employee ID.
Select this radio button to sort the report by the manager ID assigned to the employee in the Salary Info and History screen in Costpoint Employee. If your primary sort is by Manager ID, you must then select either Employee Name or Employee ID for your secondary sort.
Select this radio button to sort the report by the home organization that is assigned to the employee in the Salary Info and History screen in Costpoint Employee. If your primary sort is by Home Organization, you must then select either Employee Name or Employee ID for your secondary sort. The report prints all levels of the home organization.
The radio buttons in this sort box are available based on your selection from the Primary Sort group box. If you choose to print this report by Manager ID or Home Organization, then the Employee ID and Employee Name radio buttons will be available for selection. If you select Employee Name or Employee ID in the Primary Sort group box, the None radio button will be the default for this group box.
Select this radio button to sort the report by employee name for employees within each manager ID or home organization. If you selected Employee Name or Employee ID for your primary sort, this radio button is disabled.
Select this radio button to sort the report by employee ID for employees within each manager ID or home organization. If you selected Employee Name or Employee ID for your primary sort, this radio button is disabled.
This radio button will be disabled if the primary sort you selected is by Manager ID or Home Organization. If you selected Employee Name or Employee ID for your primary sort, this radio button is the only available choice.
The system date will automatically default into this field. Any employees whose Next review date in the HR Data subtask of the Basic Employee Info screen in Costpoint Employee is earlier than, or the same as, the date entered will appear on the report if they are active employees. If you want to base the report on a date other than the system date, enter that date here.
Use the fields in this group box to select the range of home organizations to include on this report.
Use this drop-down box to select one of the following range option selections: "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End."
If you select "All," the From and To fields are disabled; if you select "One," the To field is disabled; if you select "From Beginning" the From field is disabled; and if you select "To End" the To field is disabled.
If your range selection is "One," "Range," or "To End," enter, or use Lookup to select, the home organization with which you wish to start.
If your range selection is "Range" or "From Beginning," enter, or use Lookup to select, the home organization with which you wish to end.
Basic Employee Info - EMPL
Salary Info & History - EMPL_LAB_INFO
Organization - ORG
Manager/HR Reps by Org - ORG_MGR_DFLT
Employee ID |
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Salary Info & History |
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Employee Name |
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Salary Info & History |
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Home Organization |
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Salary Info & History |
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Organizations |
Status |
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Basic Employee Info |
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Manager ID |
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Salary Info & History |
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Manager/Reps by Org |
Past Due |
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Basic Employee Info If current date is later than the Next Review Date in the HR Data subtask of the Basic Employee Info screen in Costpoint Employee, the Next Review Date will print here. |
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Next 30 Days |
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Basic Employee Info If the Next Review Date is later than current date, but earlier than the current date + 30 days, the Next Review Date will print here. |
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Next 60 Days |
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Basic Employee Info If the Next Review Date is later than current date, but earlier than the current date + 60 days, the Next Review Date will print here. |
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Next 90 Days |
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Basic Employee Info If the Next Review Date is later than current date, but earlier than the current date + 90 days, the Next Review Date will print here. |
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