
Use this screen to print a comparison between salary survey information from a survey company and company salary information. The report will compare the minimum and maximum salary amounts from the in-house functional job titles to the starting and ending salary amounts from the survey data.


Use this screen any time it is necessary to compare in-house salary information to salary information from a survey company.

Survey Company

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the survey company ID for the survey company to be used in the report. This is a required field.


Enter the four-digit year of the survey information. This is a required field.

Effective Date

Enter the effective date of the compensation plan for the selected survey company.

Select Compensation Plan

Use the fields in this group box to select a compensation plan range to include in this report.

Range Option

Use this drop-down box to select a compensation plan range. Selections are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End."

If you select "All," the From and To fields are disabled; if you select "One," the To field is disabled; if you select "From Beginning," the From field is disabled; and if you select "To End," the To field is disabled.


If your range selection is "One," "Range," or "To End," enter, or use Lookup to select, the compensation plan with which you wish to start.


If your range selection is "Range," or "From Beginning," enter, or use Lookup to select, the compensation plan with which you wish to end.

Select Functional Job Title

Use the fields in this group box to select a functional job title range to include in this report.

Range Option

Use this drop-down box to select a job title range. Selections are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End."

If you select "All," the From and To fields are disabled; if you select "One," the To field is disabled; if you select "From Beginning," the From field is disabled; and if you select "To End," the To field is disabled.


If your range selection is "One," "Range," or "To End," enter, or use Lookup to select, the functional job title with which you wish to start.


If your range selection is "Range," or "From Beginning," enter, or use Lookup to select, the functional job title with which you wish to end.

Table Information

Maintain Salary Survey Data - SURVEY_SAL_RANGE

Compensation Plan Setup - COMP_PLAN_SETUP

Compensation Plan Salary Ranges - COMP_PLAN_HDR


Functional Job Titles - FUNC_JOB_TITLES

Basic Survey Company Info - SURVEY_COMPANY

Maintain Survey Job Titles to Func Job Titles - SURVEY_FUNC_TITLE

Report Columns

The following table outlines the column headers, a description of the data that appears for each row on the report, and the table that is affected. 

Column Header

Functional Job Title/Survey Job Title

Salary Grade

Minimum Salary/ Maximum Salary


Minimum Difference/ Maximum Difference






Data description -First Row

Compensation Plan:

Compensation Plan ID

Compensation Plan Salary Ranges

Difference between the minimum amounts listed

Data description - Second Row

The survey company job title that is associated with the functional job title

Functional Job Title Salary Grade

Maintain Salary Survey Data

Difference between the maximum amounts listed

Tables Affected






No particular tables.