Use this required screen to establish a listing of job titles used company-wide, and to associate EEO codes and grades with each.

You can also link a summary job title to a functional job title if you have selected the Summary Job Title Required checkbox in the Compensation Settings screen.

Enter this information after you have set up your compensation plan grades and summary job titles (if applicable), and after you have selected the EEO reporting criteria your company follows in the EEO Setup screen in the Costpoint Affirmative Action Controls menu.

Functional Job Title Code

After selecting the new Line button on the toolbar, enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters for this code, which will uniquely identify this functional job title. An example of a functional job title code for a systems engineer would be "SYSENG." This is a required field.

Functional Job Title Description

Enter 30 alphanumeric characters to uniquely describe the Functional Job Title Code. An example of a functional job title description would be "Systems Engineer." This is a required field.

Job Group

Enter, or use Lookup to select, a job group code to which the functional job title is assigned. You can enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters in this optional field.  Establish job group codes in the Costpoint Affirmative Action Controls menu.  You can link several Functional Job Titles to one Job Group code. When you enter a valid Job Group code, the EEO Code that is linked to that code in the Job Groups table will default into the EEO column.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the EEO code associated with this job title. You can also view the system-defined EEO codes in the EEO Setup screen in the Costpoint Affirmative Action Controls menu. This is a required field.  If a Job Group has been assigned to the Functional Job Title Code, the EEO will display.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the EEO code to use on the VETS-100 report. This field is required.

Note: The EEOC has changed the EEO codes for the EEO-1 report. However, the VETS-100 report uses the old codes.  When you use Lookup in this field, the old EEO codes display.

To ensure that Costpoint is updated to the new codes, you must run the Update EEO-1 Codes toolkit in the Miscellaneous Functions screen in Costpoint Labor.  (Be sure to run this toolkit before printing the September 30, 2007 EEO-1 report.) The old codes continue to display in Lookup for the VETS-100 field.

EEO Training Indicator

When applicable, enter a "T" to establish this functional job title as a training position. This will be used to identify that an employee's job needs to be designated as a "Training" position per EEO reporting requirements. If this job position is not a trainee position, leave this column blank.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the 10-character alphanumeric grade associated with this Functional Job Title Code. Validation against the Grades table will be performed. This is a required data field.

Summary Job Title

If applicable, enter, or use Lookup to select, the 10-character alphanumeric summary job title associated with this Functional Job Title Code. You must have established summary job titles before you can enter them here.

The system will perform validation against the Summary Job Title table. This is a required field if you selected the Summary Job Title Required checkbox in the Compensation Settings screen. This field is not available if you did not select the Summary Job Title Required checkbox in Compensation Settings.


If you entered a Summary Job Title, the description established for that title displays in this field.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the FUNC_JOB_TITLES table.