Use this screen to print the completed exit interview form for all employees, or for specific employees, based on a specific exit interview form and date.

Run this report at any time.

Interview Form

Use the fields in this group box to identify the completed exit interview form you want to print and the run date to be used for the report.

Exit Interview Form ID

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ID for the exit interview form you want to print. This is a required field.


The current system date will default into this field; however, you can enter a different date. Exit interview forms will be printed for any employee whose Termination date in the Basic Employee Info screen is the same as or later than this date.

Select Employees

Use this group box to print the report for all employees who meet the above criteria or to select only specific employees. If you select the All Employees checkbox, you cannot enter individual employee IDs.

All Employees

This checkbox is selected by default when you open this screen. If you do not want to include all employees for this process, uncheck this checkbox. This application selects employees based on the Termination date entered in the Basic Employee Info screen.

Specific Employee

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the IDs of the employees for whom you want to print exit interview forms. Once you enter an employee ID, the employee's name displays to the right of this field. You cannot enter data here unless the All Employees checkbox is not selected.

Report Sources

Salary Info and History - EMPL_LAB_INFO

Maintain Employee Exit Interview - H_EMPL_EXIT_INTV

                                                - H_SECT1_EMPL_EXIT

                                                - H_EMPL_S2_HDR_SEC

                                                - H_EMPL_S2_LN_SEC

                                                - H_EMPL_S3_HDR_COMP

                                                - H_EMPL_S3_LN_COMP

                                                - H_EMPL_S4_HDR_LV

                                                - H_EMPL_S4_LN_LV

                                                - H_EMPL_S5_HDR_AMT

                                                - H_EMPL_S5_LN_AMT

                                                - H_EMPL_S6_COMMENTS

Basic Employee Info - EMPL

Personnel Action Reasons - PERS_ACT_REASON

Maintain Employee Exit Interview Info - H_SECT1_EMPL_EXIT

Report Columns

Column Heading


Table Name

Employee ID

Basic Employee Info



Maintain Employee Exit Interview Info


Employee Name

Basic Employee Info



Maintain Employee Exit Interview Info


Review Form ID

Maintain Employee Exit Interview Info



Maintain Employee Exit Interview Info



Maintain Employee Exit Interview Info



Maintain Employee Exit Interview Info


Effective Date

Maintain Employee Exit Interview Info


You can print the following sections from the Maintain Employee Exit Interview Info screen: