Use this screen to set up forms by personnel action. This information will be used when you print the blank forms for a specific personnel action.

You can initialize this screen after you have defined your forms in the Required Forms List screen and your personnel action codes in the Personnel Actions screen.

Personnel Action

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the 10-digit alphanumeric code for the personnel action to which you wish to link forms.  Establish Personnel Action codes in the Personnel Actions screen. This is a required field.


This non-editable field displays the description of this personnel action.

Table Window


Select the New Line button on the toolbar and enter, or use Lookup to select, the 12-character code for the form that will be linked to this personnel action. You can link as many forms as you wish to a single personnel action.


This non-editable field displays the description for the form ID that you have entered. This information is maintained in the Required Forms List screen.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the following tables:

Req'd Forms by Personnel Action Reason - H_RQ_FRM_PER_RSN

Required Forms List - H_RQ_FRM_LIST

Personnel Action Reasons - PERS_ACT_REASON