Use this subtask to maintain information about the employee's desired career path, along with a set of goals that the employee needs to accomplish to achieve this objective. The counselor will be the human resources representative who met with the employee to discuss future plans.

Use this subtask whenever an employee and a human resources representative meet to plan for the employee's future development. Update it as goals are achieved or the future development plans change.


These non-editable fields display the ID and name of the employee for whom you are initiating this subtask. This information defaults from the main screen.

Home Organization

These non-editable fields display the employee's home organization and its description. This information defaults from the main screen.

Detail Job Title

These non-editable fields display the employee's detail job title and its description. This information defaults from the main screen.

Table Window

Detail Job Title Preferred

Select the New Line button on the toolbar and enter, or use Lookup to select, the desired detail job title code for the employee. This is a required field.


Once you have entered a valid detail job title code, the appropriate description displays here.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the employee ID of the human resources representative who interviewed the employee. This is an optional field.

Counselor Name

Once you have entered the employee ID, the counselor's name displays here.

Date of Interview

Enter the date of the interview in "MM/DD/YYYY" format. This is an optional data field.

Future Goals

List the goals needed to attain the preferred detail job title that have been agreed upon between the employee and the human resources representative. This is a 256-character alphanumeric field.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the following tables:

Education, Skills & Training - H_ED_SKILL_TRAIN

                                       - H_EMPL_DEGREE

                                       - H_EMPL_COURSE

                                       - H_EMPL_SKILLS

                                       - H_EMPL_TRAIN

                                       - H_EMPL_PROF_ORG

                                       - H_EMPL_CAREER_PLAN

Course - COURSE

Degrees - DEGREE

Detail Job Titles - DETL_JOB_TITLE

Basic Employee Info - EMPL

Salary Info & History - EMPL_LAB_INFO

Organizations - ORG

Managers/HR Reps by Org - ORG_MGR_DFLT

Professional Organizations - PROF_ORG

Skill - SKILL

Study Area - STUDY_AREA

Training - TRAINING

Training Source - TRAINING_SRCE