Use this subtask to enter information related to specific degrees required for this position.

Add to or update this information at any time. You must have first initiated the Degrees table.

Detail Job Title

This non-editable field displays the detail job title that has been assigned to this record. This information is displayed from the main screen.

Table Window


Select the New Line button on the toolbar and enter, or use Lookup to select, a degree code that is required for this position. You can enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters. Maintain degree codes in the Training menu in Costpoint Personnel.


Once you have selected a Degree code, this non-editable field will be populated with the description for that degree code.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the following tables:

Detail Position Descriptions - H_DETL_POS_DESC

                                        - H_DETL_SKILL

                                        - H_DETL_DEGREE

Compensation Plan Setup - COMP_PLAN_SETUP

Degrees - DEGREE

Detail Job Titles - DETL_JOB_TITLES

Basic Employee Info - EMPL

Functional Job Titles -FUNC_JOB_TITLES

Functional Position Descriptions - H_FUNC_DEGREE

                                             - H_FUNC_POS_DESC

                                             - H_FUNC_SKILL

Labor Location - LAB_LOCATION

Organizations - ORG

Managers/HR Reps by Org - ORG_MGR_DFLT

Skills - SKILL