Use this screen to record a case history of all actions or processing steps that have been taken for each reported accident or illness for each employee.
Use this screen each time you complete a processing step for a reported accident or illness.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the previously saved internal case number established in the Accident Info screen.
This field displays the ID number and name of the employee for whom you are recording an accident or illness. This non-editable information comes from the Accident Info screen.
This non-editable field displays the filing number that was assigned to this case by the state Workers' Compensation Office. This information comes from the Workers' Compensation subtask of the Accident Info screen.
This non-editable field displays the OSHA Case Number from the OSHA or OSHA 300 subtask of the Accident Info screen.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the code being used for FMLA tracking. A description of the code is displayed to the right. This is a required field.
Select the New Line button on the toolbar and enter the date, in "MM/DD/YYYY" format, on which an action or processing step was completed for this injury/illness for this employee. This is a required field.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the code for the accident-processing step you want to record. This is a required field.
This non-editable field displays the description of the step you entered.
Enter "F" (Transferred) or "M" (Terminated) to indicate whether the employee was transferred or terminated as a result of this accident or illness. This is an optional field.
Changes to this screen update the following tables:
Accident Case History - E_EMPL_CASE_HIST
Basic Employee Info - EMPL
Accident Processing Steps -H_ACCDNT_STEP
Accident Info - H_EMPL_ACCDNT_INFO
Accident Case History Header - H_EMPL_CASE_HS_HDR
Leave Type - LV_TYPE