Use this screen to print the Annual Additions Report related to IRS Section 415 testing. It shows, for each employee, the Federal taxable wages and the total additions to the employee's deferred compensation balance. It will display a "*" in a warning column if any employee has exceeded 25% of taxable wages or $30,000 in total additions. The total additions are based upon both the employee's deductions and the company's contributions to the employee's plan balance. This report is generated (and combines amounts) for all plans to which an employee may be assigned.

You must complete all of the Plan Controls and Employee Setup screens for any plan codes that you wish to include in this report.

Primary Sort

These radio buttons determine the primary sort of this report.

Additions Percentage

Select this radio button to specify the additions percentage as the primary sort of this report. It will sort in ascending order by percentage. If you select this option, you must choose Employee Name or Employee ID for your Secondary Sort.

Employee Name

Select this radio button to specify the employee's name (the Displayed Name from the Basic Employee Info screen in Costpoint Employee) as the primary sort. If you select this option, the Secondary Sort defaults to None and cannot be changed.

Employee ID

Select this radio button to specify the employee's ID as the primary sort for this report. If you select this option, the Secondary Sort defaults to None and cannot be changed.

Secondary Sort

Employee Name

Select this radio button to specify the employee's name (the Displayed Name from the Basic Employee Info screen in Costpoint Employee) as the secondary sort for this report. This radio button is available only if you selected Additions Percentage for your Primary Sort.

Employee ID

Select this radio button to specify the employee's ID as your secondary sort. This button is available only if you selected Additions Percentage as the Primary Sort.


If you selected Employee Name or Employee ID for your Primary Sort, this button is the default selection and cannot be changed.

Date Range


Enter the starting date to use for running this report. This would normally be the starting date for the current plan year.


Enter the ending date for running this report. You can specify a future date.


Include 'Catch-Up' Contributions

Select this radio button if Annual Additions should include "catch-up" contributions made by the employee. If you select this checkbox, the employee's total additions will include the employee's catch-up contributions (i.e., the contributions in excess of the plan year's Deferral Limit).

Table Information

This screen uses the following tables:

Basic Employee Info - EMPL

Employee Earnings - EMPL_EARNINGS

Employee Deductions - EMPL_EARN_DED

Deduction Codes - DED_CD

Employee Contributions - EMPL_EARN_CNTRB

Report Columns

Column Heading


Table Name

Employee ID

Salary Info and History (in Costpoint Employee)


Employee Name

Salary Info and History


Federal Taxable Wage (W2 Box 1)

Maintain Employee Earnings (in Costpoint Payroll)



Maintain Employee Earnings



Maintain Employee Earnings


Total Additions

*No Screen*

This is a calculation of Deductions + Contributions

*No Table*
