Use this subtask to record outstanding loans an employee has taken against his deferred compensation plan.

Use this screen when an employee takes a loan against his deferred compensation plan.


The employee ID and name are displayed in these two non-editable fields.

Deferred Compensation Loans

Use the fields in this group box to enter the loan(s) that an employee has made against his deferred compensation plan.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the deduction code that applies to this loan. The deduction code is validated against the Deductions table and the Deduction Type must be "Employee Deferred Comp. Loan."  This is a required field.

Loan Number

Enter up to 20 alphanumeric characters to uniquely identify this loan. This is a user-defined field, and it is required.

Note: The Loan Number must match the requirements of your Financial Institution. Financial Institutions are system-defined in Costpoint.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the code for the plan that applies to this loan. The value that you enter must be one of the plans listed on the main screen. This is a required field.

Table Information:

Changes to this screen update the following tables:

Employee Deferred Compensation Info - H_CODA_EMPL_INFO

Deductions - DED_CD

Basic Employee Info - EMPL

Employee Deductions - EMPL_DED

Employee Deferred Compensation Loan - H_CODA_EMPL_LOAN

Plan Setup - H_CODA_SETUP