Use this screen to print a report that presents dependent's information from the Employee Cobra Dependents screen in Costpoint Employee. You can print the report by employee ID or employee name, and for all or a range of employees.
You can print this report any time after initializing the Employee Dependents screen.
If you have not been set up to print Social Security Numbers (SSNs), blanks print instead of the numbers. The ability to print SSNs is controlled by the Suppress SSN checkbox in the Maintain Users screen in Costpoint System Administration.
Use the options in this group box to sort the report by employee ID or by employee name.
To sort the report by employee name, select this radio button.
To sort the report by employee ID, select this radio button.
Use the fields in this group box to select the range of employees to include on this report.
This drop-down box provides the following employee ID range selections: "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End." If you select "All," the From and the To fields are disabled; if you select "One," the To field is disabled; if you select "From Beginning," the From field is disabled; and if you select "To End," the To field is disabled.
If your range selection is "One," "Range," or "To End," enter, or use Lookup to select, the employee ID with which you wish to start this report.
If your range selection is "Range," or "From Beginning," enter, or use Lookup to select, the employee ID with which you wish to end this report.
Employee |
Employee Dependents |
Dependent Name |
Employee Dependents |
Social Security Number (This represents the dependent's SSN) |
Employee Dependents |
Relation |
Employee Dependents |
Gender |
Employee Dependents |
Date of Birth |
Employee Dependents |
Address |
Employee Dependents |
Home Phone |
Employee Dependents |
Work Phone |
Employee Dependents |