Use this screen to enter approved medical care reimbursement requests. If you are using Costpoint Payroll to reimburse, the requests entered here will be automatically included in the employee's paycheck for the specified pay period. This screen works with the Maintain Medical Care History screen. If you are not using Costpoint Payroll, this screen will not be available to you; however, you can still use the Maintain Medical Care History screen to track history on an employee basis for internal audit needs.

You cannot access this screen unless you selected the Medical Care Flexible Spending Accounts checkbox in the Benefit Settings screen in Costpoint Benefits. If you are using Costpoint Payroll to reimburse, you must also select the Reimburse Through Payroll checkbox in the Benefit Settings screen. You can enter requests at any time, and you can enter an unlimited number of requests.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ID number of the employee for whom you want to request medical care reimbursement. Your entry will be validated against the Employee table that is set up in the Basic Employee Info screen. The name of the employee is displayed in the field to the right of the ID. This is a required field.

Pay Cycle

This field displays this employee's pay cycle, as defined in the Basic Employee Info screen.

Table Window

Trans Code

After you select the New Line button on the toolbar, a transaction code of "REQ" (Request) will display in this non-editable field.

Transaction Date

The current system date automatically defaults into this field. If it is not correct, enter the correct date, in MM/DD/YYYY format, on which this transaction was entered into the system. This field is required.

Incurred Date

Enter the date, in MM/DD/YYYY format, on which the medical care expense was incurred. This system will use this date to determine the plan year to which this transaction should be assigned. The Incurred Date must be within a valid plan year, as defined in the Medical Care FSA Setup screen in Costpoint Benefits, and this employee must have an election for this plan year in the Employee Medical Care FSA Elections screen. This field is required.

Request Date

Enter the date, in MM/DD/YYYY format, on which this request was made. This is a required field.

Plan Year

Enter the plan year for this transaction.

Request Amount

Enter the dollar amount of this request. The amount must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to the plan year maximum established in the Medical Care FSA Setup screen. The Request Amount + amounts already reimbursed for the year cannot exceed the election amount for the year. This field is required.

Approved Amount

Enter the dollar amount of the request that has been approved for payment. The amount must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to the Request Amount. The Request Amount + amounts already reimbursed for the year cannot exceed the election amount for the year. This is a required field.    

Hint: The Compute Payroll process in Costpoint Payroll will check this screen to determine whether there are any unpaid requests with a pay period end date that is earlier than or the same as the current payroll run. If there are, it will pay the Approved Amount, regardless of whether enough funds have been deducted to cover it. The only limitation is that the Amount Paid + the amounts already paid cannot exceed the plan year election amount.

Pay Period End Date

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the date, in MM/DD/YYYY format, for the end of the pay cycle in which this request should be reimbursed. The date must be a valid pay period end date for the entered employee's pay cycle, and it cannot be a date for a pay period that has already been paid. This field is required.


Enter up to 256 alphanumeric characters for any comment you want to attach to this row. This field is optional.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the HB_MED_FSA_HS table.