Use this subtask to record information about the contacts associated with a particular insurance/benefit provider.

You can add to the Contacts table at any time, and you can establish an unlimited number of records.

Provider Code

These non-editable fields display the provider code and description for which you are adding contact information.

Table Window

Line No

This non-editable column displays an incremental number, beginning with "1" and increasing by one each time you select the New Line button on the toolbar to add a new record.


Enter up to six alphanumeric characters to indicate what type of telephone number you are recording, such as "office," "fax," or  "pager." This is a required field. However, it is for information only and is not validated internally in the system.


Enter the name of the contact person. You can enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters in this required field.

Phone Number

Enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters, in any format, for the contact person's telephone number in this required field.


If an extension is associated with the telephone number, you can enter up to six alphanumeric characters to record it in this optional field.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the Provider Phone - HB_PROVIDER_PHONE table.