Use this subtask to update the Employee Deductions table with the correct deduction amount for the employee's dependent care FSA election.
Use this subtask in conjunction with the main screen to either enter or correct the deduction amount for this employee's dependent care election. If you do not enter or correct the deduction using this screen, you must enter or update the deduction using the Employee Deductions screen. In addition, you must have already set up the employee with a pay cycle in the Employee Taxes screen, and the pay cycle must have dates falling within the plan year.
This non-editable field displays the employee's pay period code from the Employee Taxes screen.
This non-editable field displays the number of pay periods remaining in the current payroll year.
This non-editable field displays the employee's election amount as it was entered in the main screen.
This field displays the sum of deductions from the Employee Earnings table in Costpoint Payroll, where the deduction code equals the deduction code for dependent care in the Benefit Settings screen in Costpoint Benefits and the pay period end date is within the date range for the plan year. This is a system-calculated, non-editable field.
The difference between the Election Amount and the Plan YTD Deductions amount is displayed in this field. This is the amount that needs to be deducted over the remainder of the plan year.
To calculate the amount for this field, the system divides the value in the Difference field by the value in the Pay Periods Remaining field. This value is rounded to the nearest penny. This is a system-calculated, display-only field.
Select this pushbutton if you want to update the Employee Deductions table with the displayed information. If the record doesn't already exist, the system will display this message:
"Warning: The deduction for dependent care withholdings has not been set up for this employee in Payroll Deductions. You can set it now by pushing the Yes pushbutton. Otherwise, it must be done in the Employee Deductions screen."
If you select the Yes pushbutton, the new record will be inserted. If you select the No pushbutton, you must manually update the Payroll Deductions table with this employee's deduction information. If the record already exists, it will be updated.
Data is collected for update into Payroll Deduction Table for the employee as follows:
Deduction - Deduction code assigned to this flexible spending account in the Benefit Settings screen.
Method - FIXAMT
Rate - Deduction amount derived above.
Limit - Election amount defined above.
Priority - Priority number from the Deductions screen (in Costpoint Payroll) for this Deduction Code.
Start Date - The Start Date from the main screen.
Through Date - Null
End Coverage Date - Null
Changes to this screen update the PR_EMPL_DED table.