Use this screen to group different benefit plans into benefit packages through benefit plan/coverage option combinations. You can then assign benefit packages to employees. You can also use this screen to assign flex dollar amounts for flexible benefits.
You cannot set up benefit packages until you have completed the Benefit Plan Setup screen. After you have completed the Benefit Plan Setup screen, you can add to this table at any time, and you can establish an unlimited number of benefit packages.
Enter up to 12 alphanumeric characters to uniquely identify this benefit package.
Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters to describe this benefit package.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the code for the deduction that will be used when posting benefits by the lump sum method. The deduction code will be validated against the Deduction Codes table in Costpoint Payroll. This deduction must be assigned a "Benefit Package" deduction type in the Deductions screen. This field will be enabled only if you selected the Lump Sum radio button in the Benefit Posting Method group box in the Benefit Settings screen. If this field has been enabled, it is required. The description of the deduction is displayed in the field to the right of the code.
After selecting the New Line button on the toolbar, enter, or use Lookup to select, the code for the benefit plan you want to include in this benefit package. The code will be validated against the Benefit Plans table. The benefit plan must be active. This field is required.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the code for the coverage option that you want to use with the benefit plan in this package. The code will be validated against the benefit plan to ensure that the plan includes this coverage option. This is a required field.
Changes to this screen update the following tables:
Benefit Packages Header - HB_BEN_PKG_HDR
Benefit Packages Line - HB_BEN_PKG_LN
Deductions - DED_CD
Benefit Plan Header - HB_BEN_PLAN_HDR
Benefit Plan Line - HB_BEN_PLAN_LN
Coverage Options - HB_COV_OPT
Employee Packages - HB_EMPL_PKG
Employee Package Elections - HB_EMPL_PKG_ELEC
Benefit Settings - HB_SETTINGS