Use this screen to print information about accounts/organizations/projects that are out of balance between the Labor History table (LAB_HS) and the General Ledger Posting Summary table (GL_POST_SUM). The comparison is performed for both currency amounts and hours. This utility will print only accounts/organizations/projects that are out of balance for the fiscal year and period(s) selected. Printing this report changes no data. If all selected combinations are in balance, a message is displayed indicating that no records were found. Contact Deltek General SupportTechnical Support to discuss methods for correcting any out-of-balance conditions noted on the report.
You should print this report at least once a month, early in your month-end closing process, to ensure that your Labor History and G/L Posting Summary tables are in balance.
If any out-of-balance conditions are found, you should retain this report as part of your backup for any required adjustments.
Enter, or use the drop-down box to select, the range of periods you want to review. The system-defined options are: "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End."
Enter, or select from the drop-down box, the fiscal year for which you want to print the comparison report.
These fields may or may not be active, depending on the Range Option you selected. If you elected to print for "One" period, enter (or select from the drop-down box) that period in the Starting field. If you selected a "Range" of periods, enter both the starting and ending periods in their respective fields. If you selected periods beginning from a specific period ("To End"), enter or select that period in the Starting field. If you selected periods up to a specific ending period ("From Beginning"), enter that period in the Ending field.
The non-editable fields to the right display the ending dates for the periods selected.
The information on this report is from the Labor History table and the G/L Posting Summary table.