Use this subtask to view additional posting detail for the selected fiscal year, period, account, and project. The table window displays the individual journal postings that support the period balance.
Use this screen whenever you need to review the posting detail that supports a particular balance of a specified fiscal year and period for a given Account and Project combination.
These non-editable fields display the number and name of the selected project.
These non-editable fields display the number and name of the selected account.
These non-editable fields display the number and name of the selected organization
This non-editable field displays the fiscal year..
This non-editable field displays the period.
This non-editable field displays the subperiod.
This non-editable field displays the journal code.
This non-editable field displays the posting sequence.
This non-editable column displays a description of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the account number of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the account name of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the specified organization.
This non-editable column displays the name of the organization.
This non-editable column displays the specified project.
This non-editable column displays the name of the project.
This non-editable column displays the debit balance of the posted transaction expressed in terms of your company's transaction currency.
This non-editable column displays the credit balance of the posted transaction expressed in terms of your company's transaction currency.
This non-editable column displays the debit balance of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the credit balance of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the number of hours posted to the transaction.
This non-editable column displays the general labor category of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays a description of the general labor category.
This non-editable column displays the project labor category of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays a description of the project labor category.
This non-editable column displays the effective billing date of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the timesheet date of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the timesheet ID.
This non-editable column displays the ID Type (Vendor, Employee, Customer, or Subcontractor).
This non-editable column displays the check number of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the voucher number of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the PO number of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the vendor, employee, or vendor employee name associated with the ID column for the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the invoice number of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the journal entry number of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the cash receipt number of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the bill number of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the cash receipt number of the posted transaction.
This column is currently not being used by the system.
This column is currently not being used by the system.
This column displays the units quantity of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the units usage date of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the ID of the user who posted the transaction.
This non-editable column displays the ID of the user who entered the transaction.
This non-editable column displays the first reference number of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the name of the first reference number of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the second reference number of the posted transaction.
This non-editable column displays the name of the second reference number of the posted transaction.
This non-editable field displays comments, if any, for the posted transaction.
Use this pushbutton to activate a form view of the selected (highlighted) row in the table window. You can use this form view to see all the information related to one particular transaction, instead of scrolling back and forth in the table window.
This non-editable field displays the total debit balance of the posted transaction(s.)
This non-editable field displays the total credit balance of the posted transaction(s.)
This non-editable field displays the total debit balance of the posted transaction(s) expressed in terms of your company's transaction currency.
This non-editable field displays the total credit balance of the posted transaction(s) expressed in terms of your company's transaction currency.