Use this screen to create the report tables necessary to print financial statements with comparative information. Comparative column options currently include prior period, prior year, and budget information. This information is gathered and stored in a common report table generated by this utility.

Please note that when the utility is executed, only rows existing in the table for the fiscal year and period selected are updated. For example, assume the table contains comparative data from January 1, 2000 through March 31, 2003. You can choose to update the table from January 1 through March 31, 2003. Only those rows are updated.

Because the table contains budget information for the budget revision(s) you select, you must verify that all rows in the report table contain budget information for the same budget revision. If the utility has been run for a different budget revision, inconsistencies will occur when the budget information is printed. For example, the table may contain budget amounts for periods 1 and 2 updated with budget revision number 1. You then execute the utility in period 3 using budget revision number 2, and print an income statement with budgeted amounts for periods 1-3. The amounts reflected in your budget columns are a combination of budgeted amounts from revision 1 and 2, and do not provide you with useful comparative data.

You must execute this utility before printing financial statements. If financial statements are printed without comparison columns, this utility is optional.

Select Periods

Range Option

Enter, or use the drop-down box to select, the range of periods to update. The system-defined options are:  "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End." 

This range should be consistent with the periods to be printed on the financial statements. For example, if an income statement reflecting data from periods 1-3 of 2003 is necessary, the utility should be run for that range. Please note that if the F/S code that you have selected is for a balance sheet, you are required to enter a value of "One" as your Range Option.

Fiscal Year, Starting and Ending Period

The values to be entered in these fields vary depending on the Range Option you selected. Enter the fiscal year and the range of periods you want to update. The fiscal year and periods you enter here should be consistent with the range of periods to be included on the financial statements. You can use Lookup to select values from the appropriate table. If you elected to print for "All" periods, these fields are inactive.

Select Budget Revision


Select the budget revision with which you want to update the report tables.

Create GL Report Tables

Select this button on the toolbar to activate the process of creating the report tables.

Hint: You can save the specified report parameters for future use. To save the selected report parameters, select the Save button on the toolbar after you have entered your report selections. Enter an appropriate ID and description for the report and select the OK button to save. Stored report parameters are especially useful if reports are to be run through Process Manager.