Use this screen to create the tables necessary to print or edit a Cash Flows Statement.
Once you create the Cash Flows statement in this screen, you can make changes to amounts, line descriptions, and sort order in the Edit Preliminary Cash Flows Statement screen.
The Cash Flows Statement analyzes the sources and uses of cash from the beginning of the year through the accounting period that is entered in the screen. The Cash Flows statement also provides additional information regarding the operating, investing, and financing activities of your company, on a cash basis, for a particular time period.
You should have already created a Statement of Cash flows in the Set Up Financial Statements screen.
Because the Cash Flows statement is derived from posted transactions to the balance sheet accounts, you should run the Cash Flows statement after you have closed the period and posted all outstanding transactions, to obtain the most accurate statement. You should perform the bank reconciliations and all income statement and balance sheet reconciliations before you run this statement.
Use the drop-down box to select the range of organizations to be included on the Cash Flows statement. Valid options are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End." The default for this field is "All."
The Cash Flows Statement is derived from posted transactions to the balance sheet accounts; therefore, both the balance sheet and the cash flows statement must be operating at the same organizational level. The only valid organizations in this screen will be balance sheet level organizations. Organizational levels are set up in the Define Org Structures screen for top-level organizations and the Maintain Org Elements screen for the remaining organizational levels.
Enter the starting organization for the range you want included in this Cash Flows statement. If you select "All" or "From Beginning" in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.
Enter the ending organization for the range you want included in this Cash Flows statement. If you select "All," "One," or "To End" in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use the drop-down box to select, the fiscal year for which to create the preliminary Cash Flows statement. Both closed and open fiscal years are available.
Enter, or use the drop-down box to select, the period for which to create the preliminary Cash Flows statement. Both closed and open fiscal periods are available.
Select the statement of cash flows to be created by this process. These codes were linked to cash flow statements in the Set Up Financial Statements screen.
Select this button on the toolbar to create your Preliminary Cash Flows statement.