Use this screen to set up the various nodes (or elements) of each organization.
You must first set up the first level, or top level, in the Define Org Structures screen (Accounting » General Ledger » Organizations). Also, you cannot set up a lower level element, such as 001.0204.001, before its "parent" element, in this case 001.0204.
Enter the code for the organization you want to set up. As you enter the code, the level delimiters (for example, periods, dashes, etc.) automatically appear at the appropriate locations.
Enter a descriptive name for the organizational level. This name will appear on screens and reports to help identify the organization.
This check box defaults as selected, meaning that the organization is active and available for charges. If you do not want this organization to be available for charges, clear the Active checkbox to make the organization inactive. Inactive organizations cannot receive charges. Deactivating the top level of the organization does not deactivate lower levels of the same organization, however, but does deactivate any account/organization combinations that contain the inactive organization.
If you will be charging this organization, you can use an abbreviated code for ease in data entry. This optional abbreviation can contain up to six alphanumeric characters and must be unique system-wide. When entered into the Org Abbrev field on various transaction screens, it automatically pulls in the longer organization ID. (This feature is not available in reporting and control screens, but is available in most transaction screens.)
If you select this check box, this organization is exported to Deltek Time & Expense when you run the Export Data to Deltek Time & Expense 5.x+ application (People » Labor » Time Collection (ET) Interface). The organization is included in the UDT09_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.CSV file. This check box is enabled only if the Time Collection version is 5.x or higher and/or Deltek Expense version is 6 or higher.
Enter, or use to select, a valid taxable entity for
this required 10-character alphanumeric field. This is the entity to which
this org element belongs. The taxable entity must have been previously
established in the Set Up Company Info screen (Accounting
» General Ledger » Organizations).
Use this field to enter a Cobra mapping value. The Cobra Interface process uses Cobra mapping values to link Costpoint cost elements to Cobra cost elements.
If you select the Org Cobra UDEF option in the Costpoint Mapping column of the Maintain Cobra Charge Templates screen (Others » Product Interfaces » Cobra Interface), you can enter a user-defined value in this field and use it to link to a value in the Cobra system.
You would generally use this field if there were a value in Cobra that was not easily linked to anything in Costpoint. For more information on the Cobra Interface process, see the screen documentation.
The starting and ending Fiscal Year and Period can be used only when an organization is valid during a particular period of time. For example, if you were to change your organizational structure at the end of Fiscal Year 2003, you would enter the final period of 2003 as the ending period/fiscal year for the old structure elements and the first period of 2004 as the starting period/fiscal year for the new structure elements.
Leave these fields blank to indicate that the organization can be used regardless of the accounting period.
This non-editable information displays after you enter the organization ID. It is based on the length of the organization ID entered and the name assigned to that level in the Define Org Structures screen (Accounting » General Ledger » Organizations).
Use this pushbutton to open the Link to Accounts subtask, in which you can set up valid accounts to which the organization can charge.