The bank abbreviation and description from the main screen are displayed.
This non-editable field displays the account ID.
This non-editable field displays the beginning balance.
This non-editable field displays the ending balance.
This non-editable field displays your company’s bank account currency.
This non-editable field displays the ending date.
The items in this table window are non-editable.
This column displays the transaction number.
The transaction amount is displayed in this column.
This column displays the match number.
The transaction date is displayed in this column.
This column displays the transaction type.
The code is displayed in this column.
This column displays the functional amount.
The difference between the Trans Amount in the general ledger and the Trans Amount from the bank statement is displayed in this column.
This column displays the bank amount.
If the G/L History and Bank Statement amounts are unmatched, this column will display a "Y" (Yes). If they match, nothing will display.
This column displays the bank statement ending date.
The vendor ID, employee ID, or adjusting ID are displayed in this column.
This column displays the bank acceptance date.
The fiscal year of the bank acceptance is displayed in this column.
This column displays the bank acceptance period.
The subperiod of the bank acceptance is displayed in this column.
This column displays the transaction name.
The transaction description is displayed in this column.
This column displays the fiscal year.
The transaction description is displayed in this column.
This column displays the subperiod.
The cash account is displayed in this column.
This column displays the cash organization.
Reference 1, if any, will display in this column.
Reference 2, if any, will display in this column.
This column displays the transaction number.
The transaction amount is displayed in this column.
This column displays the match number.
The transaction date is displayed in this column.
This column displays the appropriate debit/credit to the general ledger.
The transaction ID is displayed in this column.
This column displays the transaction description.
The running balance is displayed in this column.
Select this radio button to sort your transactions by date. Selecting this radio button will cause the oldest transactions to appear first. This radio button is the default.
Select this radio button to sort your transactions by number. Selecting this radio button will cause the smallest transaction numbers to appear first.
Use this pushbutton to manually match your transactions. First, select the transaction on the GL History side. Then select the corresponding transaction on the Bank Statement side. Once this is done, use this pushbutton to assign the same match number to both the GL History side and the Bank Statement side.
Use this pushbutton to manually unmatch your transactions. First, select the transaction on the GL History side. Then select the corresponding transaction on the Bank Statement side. Once this is done, use this pushbutton to unassign the same match number on both the GL History side and the Bank Statement side.
Use this pushbutton to automatically match your transactions.