Use this subtask to manually clear bank transactions, view data, or change bank acceptance data for the records that were selected in the main screen.
Alternately, you can clear (accept) bank transactions in batch mode in the Process Batch Bank Transactions screen. When you use the Process Batch Bank Transactions screen, you can select one or more ranges of bank transactions for which the code can automatically be changed from "outstanding" to "cleared" (or from "cleared" to "outstanding"). Even if you choose to change the status of bank transactions in batch mode, you must still use the Transactions subtask to view the individual transactions and to make edits on a row-by-row basis.
You can also use this screen to enter manual bank adjustments that were not previously entered in cash receipts or accounts payable, such as interest income, bank charges, etc. Always keep manual adjustment entries to a minimum. You will normally record bank interest as a cash receipt and you will record bank charges in Accounts Payable. Manual entries are designed to facilitate bank reconciliations only in the rare circumstance in which the normal data entry source has not been used.
If you have populated the Transactions subtask with Cash Receipts, Accounts Payable, and/or Payroll transaction types, you will not be able to enter or edit the historical transaction data. You can, however, enter or edit the code ("cleared" or "outstanding"), the bank acceptance data (date, fiscal year, period, and subperiod), and the bank amount.
If you have populated the Transactions subtask with "MAN" transaction types (Manual Adjustments), you can edit data in all columns. To add a new manual adjustment, select the New Line button on the toolbar.
This table is sorted by the Trans Type ("CR," "AP," "PR," or "MAN"), Code ("CLR" or "OUT"), Trans Date (Cash Receipt, Check, or Trans Date), and Trans Number (Cash Receipt, Check, or Trans Number).
The bank abbreviation and description from the main screen are displayed.
This non-editable field displays the account ID
This non-editable field displays the beginning balance.
This non-editable field displays the ending balance.
This non-editable field displays your companys bank account currency.
This non-editable field displays the ending date.
This non-editable column displays the transaction type ("AP," "CR," "PR," or "MAN") associated with each transaction that meets your selection criteria from the main screen. In that screen, two general options were available for populating the Transactions table window:
A/P, C/R, and/or P/R Transactions - Accounts Payable transactions display "AP" in this column. Cash Receipts transactions display "CR" in this column. Payroll transactions display "PR" in this column.
Manual Adjustments - Manual adjustment transactions display "MAN" in this column. To enter a new manual adjustment row, select the New Line button on the toolbar. "MAN" will automatically display in this column for the new row.
This column displays the cleared ("CLR") or outstanding ("OUT") code associated with each transaction that meets your selection criteria from the main screen. There are no system restrictions on changing the code in this field. New S_STATUS_CDs have been added to the VEND_CHK table to integrate the bank reconciliation records and the Accounts Payable records.
O Outstanding
C Cleared
V Void or Unused
S Stop Payment
P Zero Balance Check
When the bank transactions are accepted and the bank reconciliation items are set to CLR, the S_STATUS_CD in the VEND_CHK table is changed to C Cleared.
Bank reconciliation items that have a S_STATUS_CD of V Void or S Stop Payment cannot be reset to C Cleared in the VEND_CHK table, but will be cleared in the BANK_TRN_HS table. Clearing a void or stop payment transaction has no effect on the VEND_CHK table.
For "CR," "AP," and/or "PR" transaction type rows that have not previously been edited, "OUT" automatically displays as the default. If the transaction has cleared the bank, enter "CLR" (or "C"). To change a cleared code to outstanding, enter "OUT" (or "O").
For a new "MAN" transaction row, there is no automatic default for this column. If the transaction has cleared the bank, enter "CLR" (or "C"). If the transaction is still outstanding, enter "OUT" (or "O").
For "CR," "AP," and/or "PR" transaction types, the following takes place in the Transactions subtask when you enter or change a code to "CLR":
The value in the Amount column automatically displays in the Bank Amount column, where it cannot be edited.
If you entered a bank acceptance default Date in the main screen when you selected the transactions for display, the date from that field automatically displays in the Bank Accept Date column. Data in this column is required for cleared transactions, but you can edit default data as long as it falls within the date range of the bank acceptance fiscal year/ period/subperiod.
If you entered a bank acceptance default Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod in the main screen when you selected the transactions for display, the fiscal year, period, and subperiod from those fields automatically display in the Bank Accept FY, Bank Accept Pd, and Bank Accept Subpd columns, respectively. You must have data in these columns in order to clear transactions.
For "CR," "AP," and/or "PR" transaction types, the following takes place in the Transactions table window when you change a code from "CLR" to "OUT":
The value in the Bank Amount column automatically displays zeroes.
Any default or edited data in the Bank Accept Date, Bank Accept FY, Bank Accept Pd, and Bank Accept Subpd fields are blanked.
For a "MAN" transaction type, the following takes place in the Transactions table window:
There is no automatic code default for a new row. You must enter "CLR" or "OUT" in this required column.
Defaults for the Bank Acceptance Date, Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod fields function in the same manner as for "CR," "AP," and "PR," for both the "CLR" and "OUT" codes. If the code is "CLR," these fields are required, and the defaults from the main screen, if specified, are automatically brought into the fields. If the code is "OUT," these fields are cleared, and you cannot enter data in them.
There is no G/L Amount associated with a new row. As a result, there is no automatic display of that amount in the Bank Amount column. You must manually enter data for the G/L Amount column, as needed.
Use the Set to 'CLR' and Set to 'OUT' pushbuttons to select multiple rows in which to change the status code from "CLR" to "OUT" or from "OUT" to "CLR." Refer to the documentation for these pushbuttons for more information.
For "CR," "AP," and/or "PR" transaction types, the date from the historical transaction automatically displays in this column and cannot be edited. For C/R transactions, the receipt date displays in this column. For A/P and P/R transactions, the check date (or direct deposit date, as appropriate) displays in this column.
For previously entered manual ("MAN") transactions, user-entered data displays in this column. For new "MAN" transaction type rows, enter a transaction date in this required field in the "MM/DD/YYYY" format.
For "CR," "AP," and/or "PR" transaction types, the number from the historical transaction automatically displays in this column and cannot be edited. For C/R transactions, the receipt number displays in this column. For A/P and P/R transactions, the check number displays in this column.
For previously entered manual ("MAN") transactions, user-entered data displays in this column. For new "MAN" transaction type rows, enter up to nine numeric characters as a transaction number in this required field.
This column displays the charge amount.
This column displays the charge amount in the transaction currency.
For all transaction types, when you enter or change a code to "CLR," the value in the Amount column automatically displays in the Bank Amount column, where you can edit it.
If, after reviewing your bank statement, you determine that there is a discrepancy between the booked transaction and the transaction from the bank statement, you should enter the different bank amount in this field. In this circumstance, an "X" will automatically display in the Unmatched column.
For all transaction types, the system automatically displays "X" in this non-editable column if the Amount column does not match the Bank Amount column. If the Bank Amount column is blank for cleared transactions, the two columns probably match in amounts.
Data in this column is required for cleared transactions. You can edit the default data that automatically populates this field for "CLR" items as long as the date falls within the date range of the bank acceptance fiscal year/period/subperiod.
When you change the code from "OUT" to "CLR" for "CR," "AP," and "PR" transaction types and you have already entered a bank acceptance default date in the main screen, the date from that field will automatically display in the Bank Accept Date column when you select the transactions for display.
If you change the code from "CLR" to "OUT," data in this field will automatically be blanked by the system.
For new "MAN" transaction type rows for which the code is "CLR," enter the bank acceptance date in this required field in date format (MM/DD/YYYY). The system will validate that the bank acceptance date falls within the start and end date of the specified fiscal year, period, and subperiod.
If you entered a bank acceptance default Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod in the main screen when you selected the transactions for display, the fiscal year, period, and subperiod from those fields automatically display in the Bank Accept FY, Pd, and Subpd columns. Data in these columns is required for cleared transactions.
If you change the code from "CLR" to "OUT," data in these fields will automatically be blanked by the system.
For new "MAN" transaction type rows for which the code is "CLR," enter the bank acceptance fiscal year, period, and subperiod in these required fields. The system will validate that the bank acceptance date falls within the start and end date of the specified fiscal year, period, and subperiod.
This field displays the transaction ID.
For "CR," "AP," and/or "PR" transaction types, the name from the historical transaction automatically displays in this column and cannot be edited. For C/R transactions, this column will be blank. For A/P transactions, the pay vendor name displays in this column. For P/R transactions, the last and first name of the employee display in this column.
For previously entered manual ("MAN") transactions, user-entered data displays in this column. For a new "MAN" transaction type row, enter an optional transaction name in this column, as desired.
For "CR," "AP," and/or "PR" transaction types, there is no historical transaction description available. The system automatically writes the transaction source to this column, where it cannot be edited. For C/R transactions, the system writes "Cash Receipt" to this column. For A/P transactions, the system writes "AP Transaction" to this column. For P/R transactions, the system writes "PR Transaction" to this column.
For previously entered manual ("MAN") transactions, user-entered data displays in this column. For a new "MAN" transaction type row, enter an optional transaction description in this column, as needed.
This non-editable column displays the deposit number from the Create Bank Transactions History screen.
For "CR," "AP," and/or "PR" transaction types, the fiscal year, period, and subperiod from the historical transaction automatically display in these columns and cannot be edited. For C/R transactions, the fiscal year, period, and subperiod from the Cash Receipts Header History table display in these columns. For A/P transactions, the fiscal year, period, and subperiod from the Vendor Check table display in these columns. For P/R transactions, the fiscal year, period, and subperiod from the Employee Earnings table display in these columns.
For previously entered manual ("MAN") transactions, user-entered data displays in these columns. For a new "MAN" transaction type row, enter the fiscal year, period, and subperiod in these required columns.
For "CR," "AP," and/or "PR" transaction types, the account from the cash acct/org/ref1/ref2 combination from the historical transaction automatically displays in this column and cannot be edited. For C/R transactions, the cash account from the Cash Receipts Transaction History table displays in this column. For A/P transactions, the cash account from the Vendor Check table displays in this column. For P/R transactions, the cash account from the Employee Earnings table displays in this column.
For previously entered manual ("MAN") transactions, user-entered data displays in these columns. For a new "MAN" transaction type row, enter the cash account in this required column or use Lookup to select one.
For "CR," "AP," and/or "PR" transaction types, the organization from the cash acct/org/ref1/ref2 combination from the historical transaction automatically displays in this column and cannot be edited. For C/R transactions, the cash organization from the Cash Receipts Transaction History table displays in this column. For A/P transactions, the cash organization from the Vendor Check table displays in this column. For P/R transactions, the cash organization from the Employee Earnings table displays in this column.
For previously entered manual ("MAN") transactions, user-entered data displays in these columns. For a new "MAN" transaction type row, enter the cash organization in this required column or use Lookup to select one.
If you use reference numbers, the label entered for Reference 1 in the G/L Settings screen will display as this column heading.
For "CR," "AP," and/or "PR" transaction types, the reference 1 number from the cash acct/org/ref1/ref2 combination from the historical transaction automatically displays in this column and cannot be edited. For C/R transactions, the cash reference 1 number from the Cash Receipts Transaction History table is shown. For A/P transactions, the cash reference 1 number from the Vendor Check table is shown. For P/R transactions, the cash reference 1 number from the Employee Earnings table is shown.
For previously entered manual ("MAN") transactions, user-entered data displays in these columns. For a new "MAN" transaction type row, enter the cash reference 1 number in this optional column or use Lookup to select one.
If you use reference numbers, the label entered for Reference 2 in the G/L Settings screen will display as this column heading.
For "CR," "AP," and/or "PR" transaction types, the reference 2 number from the cash acct/org/ref1/ref2 combination from the historical transaction automatically displays in this column and cannot be edited. For C/R transactions, the cash reference 2 number from the Cash Receipts Transaction History table is shown. For A/P transactions, the cash reference 2 number from the Vendor Check table is shown. For P/R transactions, the cash reference 2 number from the Employee Earnings table is shown.
For previously entered manual ("MAN") transactions, user-entered data displays in these columns. For a new "MAN" transaction type row, enter the cash reference 2 number in this optional column or use Lookup to select one.
Use this pushbutton to change the code in all highlighted transaction rows on this screen to "CLR" (cleared). The same system rules apply when using this pushbutton or when editing individual rows manually. Refer to the documentation on the Code field for information on these system rules.
Select this pushbutton to change the code in all highlighted transaction rows on this screen to "OUT" (outstanding). The same system rules apply when using this pushbutton or when editing individual rows manually. Refer to the documentation on the Code field for information on these system rules.
The BANK_TRN_HS and VEND_CHK tables are updated by this process.