You can use the Print Asset Template List screen to print data from the basic template information you entered in the Maintain Asset Template Info screen and its subtasks.
Regardless of the sort option you select, each report includes the template/revision number, short description, property type, classification code subclass code, location group, and record-entry details (including the user ID and the date and time the record was added). You can also have the system insert a page break each time the selected sort parameter changes, unless you select the Template/Rev No radio button in the Sort Options group box.
The Asset Template List provides a "snapshot" of selected template data. You can print this report at any time.
Use the fields in this group box to select template/revision numbers for the list.
Use the drop-down box to select a range option. Range options are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End." The default is "All."
If you save the selection parameters for this report, the selected range option, as applicable, will be stored in the Query table in the Template/Rev Number Range column.
Enter the beginning template/revision number or use Lookup to select one. If you select "All" or "From Beginning" in the Range Option field, these fields will be inactive.
If you save the selection parameters for this report, the selected "from" value(s), as applicable, will be stored in the Query table in the Template No From and Rev No From columns.
Enter the ending template/revision number or use Lookup to select one. If you select "All," "One," or "To End" in the Range Option field, these fields will be inactive.
If you save the selection parameters for this report, the selected "to" value(s), as applicable, will be stored in the Query table in the Template No To and Rev No To columns.
Use the fields in this group box to select record-added dates for the list. The record-added date is the date the template record was originally created. The record-added date automatically displays in the Date field in the Maintain Asset Template Info screen and cannot be edited.
Use this drop-down box to select a range option. Range options are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End." The default is "All."
If you save the selection parameters for this report, the selected range option, as applicable, will be stored in the Query table in the Record Added Date Range column.
Enter the beginning record-added date in date format. There is no date validation for this field. If you select "All" or "From Beginning" in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.
If you save the selection parameters for this report, the selected "From" value, as applicable, will be stored in the Query table in the Record Added Date From column.
Enter the ending record-added date in date format. There is no date validation for this field. If you select "All," "One," or "To End" in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.
If you save the selection parameters for this report, the selected "To" value, as applicable, will be stored in the Query table in the Record Added Date To column.
Use the options in this group box to sort the list by template/revision number, record-added date, property type, classification code, or location group. You can only sort the report by one category at a time. This report always sorts by template/revision number within the primary sort category you select.
Select this radio button to sort the report by template/revision number. If you select this sort option, you will not be able to select the Page Break checkbox. This radio button is the system default. If you select this radio button and save the selection parameters for this report, "TEMPLATE" will display in the Sort Option column in the Query table.
Select this radio button to sort the report by the date the record was added. If you select this radio button and save the selection parameters for this report, "DATE" will display in the Sort Option column in the Query table.
Select this radio button to sort the report by property type code. If you select this radio button and save the selection parameters for this report, "PROPTYPE" will display in the Sort Option column in the Query table.
Select this radio button to sort the report by classification code. If you select this radio button and save the selection parameters for this report, "CLASS_CD" will display in the Sort Option column in the Query table.
Select this radio button to sort the report by subclass code. If you select this radio button and save the selection parameters for this report, "SUBCLASS" will display in the Sort Option column in the Query table.
Select this radio button to sort the report by location group code. If you select this radio button and save the selection parameters for this report, "LOC_GRP" will display in the Sort Option column in the Query table.
Select this checkbox to insert a page break each time the selected sort parameter changes. For example, if the information is sorted by property type, select the Page Break checkbox if you want data for each different property type to begin printing on a separate page. If you selected the Template/Rev No radio button as the sort option, this checkbox will be disabled.
If you select this checkbox and save the selection parameters for this report, "Y" will display in the Page Break column in the Query table.
Select this checkbox to print the long description (60 characters) as well as the short description (30 characters) on the list. The long description prints on a new line directly under the short description for each record.
If you select this checkbox and save the selection parameters for this report, "Y" will display in the Long Description column in the Query table.
Data for this report is retrieved from the FA_TEMPLATE (Template) table.
Lookup in the report selection screen accesses data from the FA_TEMPLATE (Template) table.